An approach that provokes old hurt and irritation.
Midlife Makeover: Mini-Meals and Marvelous Menus
Healthy eating!
Dr. D’s Rx: One Seasonal Smile
Smiles can work wonders on pain and mood.
Thoughts on Well-Being
Simplifying to find well-being: Can you do it?
Is Loneliness Making You Sick?
The physical impacts are real. Loneliness CAN make us sick.
Mind Over Body? Mind IS Body
A common cliché, mind over body, only goes so far.
Admitting Setbacks
If we admit setbacks, maybe we can enlist help.
Midlife Makeover: Improving Our Sleep Habits
The challenges of insufficient zzzzs.
Medical Myopia
Healthcare snafus… and an upside.
Midlife Makeover: Weight Loss After 50
Part 2 in a series. Losing weight after 50.