When deprived of sleep, our eating takes a turn for the worse.
“My Wife Got Fat”
If the spouse gains weight, is this a free pass to cheat?
Bliss Point, Mouth Feel, and Junk Food Damage
Food as comfort, as pleasure, and formulations that get us hooked.
Eudaimonia (On Living Well)
Living well and staying healthy? Let’s ask Aristotle.
Callow, Clueless, and Cruising Paris
Cruising Paris. Taking it all in. 20 years old… Advice to a younger self?
Decisions, Decisions
How many decisions do you make each day?
No Looking
What happens when a woman looks in the mirror? What happens when she doesn’t? Swearing off mirrors…
Ugly Duckling
Women are embracing surgical procedures at increasingly younger ages, conforming to narrowing definitions of beauty.
Let Them Eat Cake
Why diets fail… and more on food, fitness, and body image.
Junk Food, Diet Damage, Activating Awareness
Concerned about what you eat? Maybe you should be.