100k. What do you think of when you hear it? Money Money. That’s the usual answer. A goal for many of us, once upon a time. Still for some, I’m sure. A measure of worth, based upon pay. So often it is the professional’s measure of having arrived. Financially at least. These days, it may […]
Caught With Your Pants Down?
Caught in an innocent but compromising scene. Now what?
Post Post it Post-its Post
Hey. That Momalom thing. You know. Two babes. Writers. Sisters. A little… um… wacky. Because who reads and comments on more than 100 blogs over the course of 10 days, each day? Who is so inspiring (or nuts) they entice 100 others to do the same? And I don’t mean Blah-g Blah-g Blah-g, either. I […]
People Pleasers: Just Say No
People pleasing behavior can be bad for your health.
Lust and Lingerie
Corsets The satiny fabric. The slow and careful snap of the hooks against soft flesh. The touches of trim or lace. Strong boning that tightens my waist and accentuates my natural curves. Corsets. I love them. For some, corsets may seem the very antithesis of what today’s woman might consider acceptable, much less enjoy. Yet […]
Has Happiness Become the Latest Trend?
Has “Happiness” become an industry? A false god?
Help! Inexplicable Desire to Clean!
Something is wrong. Very wrong. I am experiencing strange symptoms. Surges of systems that are strangely unsettling. A desire to clean. To organize. Oh. Em. Gee. A desire to dust! Naturally, I’m stymied. First off, the very thought is just not… moi. Secondly, the concept of energy for such an uncharacteristic undertaking is, well, a […]
The point of “I don’t care”
Apathy Have you ever experienced periods of time when you’re so tired you can’t string together a cohesive thought? When even sleep is elusive? Have you ever felt so emotionally drained that your goals fade, your efforts feel increasingly irrelevant, and an insidious voice in your head tells you not to care? I came out […]
Do you work too hard?
Yesterday, I mused on the conflicted feelings I have about my son working so hard in his high school program. Watching your child sit up most or all of the night, studying, is not the worst thing in the world. But it can be a concern, when you see it happening a good deal. My […]
Reading Between the Lines
Competition and Coexistence, Print vs. Online One evening last week, I attended a panel discussion that included several notables in the world of interior design and fashion, including journalists. The panel discussion focused on the intersection of design services, magazines, and online venues, blogging in particular, in the world of style. One of the participants […]