Relationship deal breakers You’re on a first date. He’s polite, he’s interesting, he’s easy on the eyes. But he makes slurping noises – loudly – over potato leek soup. Deal breaker? You stumble on each other through an internet site. Your email exchange is sparkling. You speak on the phone. She rambles. In an interesting […]
Fine friends, sweet treat, terse verse
I had a lovely surprise yesterday, when Amber at Making the Moments Count gave me cupcakes! And the number 101 figured heavily… I was worried for a minute… Surely I wouldn’t have to list 101 things about myself!?! Or describe spot patterns on 101 Dalmations? Would I have to rummage the bathroom shelves for my […]
Kids say the darndest things!
Kids will be kids Care to go for a truism to start your day? In the name of world peace and global inter-connectivity? Then start with kids. And in that light, here’s my oh-so-self-evident observation, based upon 36 hours of hosting a teenager from Latvia in our hybrid little American homestead. The bad news is: […]
If you could turn back time, would you?
Would you turn back the clock if you could? Groundhog Day was on TV the other night. I only caught the end of it (I’ve seen it, um… over and over), but it made me consider what it would be like to re-frame a particular day. To “tweak” it. Perhaps a pivotal day, or perhaps […]
What good are dreams?
Recurring dreams? Recurring nightmares? If our dreams allow us a smile when we wake, then they are good. If our dreams process a problem and offer options for its solution, then they are good. If our dreams provide escape, diversion, possibility and we can carry that positive energy forward into our working days, then they […]
Full spectrum parenting: Can we do the same for ourselves?
My teenage son must have fallen asleep very late, and without actually going to bed. In other words, keeling over in the midst of an assignment. His door was open this morning, when I went to tap lightly at 7:30am, to wake him. His easel was set up next to his small desk – a […]
Pregnant Man: Gender Fusion or More Confusion?
So what’s up with the pregnant man? Frankly, I’m a little tired of opening my email lately, and getting a feed that includes mention of “pregnant man expecting third child.” When I first saw that headline (how could it not catch your eye?), I believe it was via the Huffington Post. I couldn’t help myself. […]
Help! I need a new cell phone!
Help, please! I need advice. Seriously. I give good phone, and I’d like to get some, too. But I’ve been limping along on a hand-me-down 3-year old cell that’s on its last legs. I need suggestions – truly. Cell phone requirements Here are my requirements: small (to put in jeans pocket, small purses, or cleavage) […]
Vegetative states, Great cheap dates, Life without mates
Vegetative states While it was an article on French Yahoo several days ago that alerted me to this story, CNN Health is now reporting the news that for the first time, a man in a persistent vegetative state (since a car crash in 2003) was able to respond to questions about his life, by thinking […]
Boost your brain (with pleasure)
Unanticipated pleasure Last evening, for three hours, I hovered in the pleasure zone, my brain and body exquisitely in sync. This was delight the likes of which I haven’t felt in six months, or perhaps as long as a year. The kind of pleasure, intense and pervasive, that obliterates worry and fatigue as all the […]