Babies, motherhood, and parenting milestones.
The challenges of getting to know our neighbors – in real and virtual communities.
Judge Not, Lest… Well, You Know How It Goes.
From girl gossip to women judging.
Life is Changing, Verse Deranging
It’s versing to surrender, I must say. To the eccentric, wacky willful stage. Bag Lady, cats and hats – but not the gray! Alas, this flailing, flaunting facing age! With ready thoughts and tricks to just say yes, To voicing my opinions, no holds barred. So what if my persona is a mess! Must stifling […]
Secret to a Long Life?
We age if we’re fortunate. How do we up the likelihood of aging well and living fully?
Emotions, Friendship, and All Choked Up
When friendships are strained by grief and loss.
“So Busy, So Sorry!”
Female friendships change over time…
Facing It
There was no need to lie about my age as I moved through the corridors of the school with a thirty-something man at my side. I was wearing my twenty-something face. I was lost on the way to a lecture, and he was a Teaching Assistant I had approached outside the brick building as he […]
Help Line
When I had a question about my hosting service recently, I picked up the phone and called the Help Line. Ten minutes later, I had my response, and knew exactly how to accomplish my goal. But when it comes to asking for help in life, that’s harder. I was raised to offer help and to […]
Friends With Money
I happened across a quirky little film recently, Friends With Money, starring Jennifer Aniston and a talented ensemble cast. It’s the story of four friends, three of whom have money, and one who doesn’t. Aniston plays Olivia, a former teacher, a few years younger than her more established pals in their 40s. She’s a maid […]