Fashion tips on wardrobe basics… with a French twist!
Friday the 13th (but I’m not superstitious)
Friday the 13th? No – I’m not going to tackle slasher movies, and I’m not going to write about superstitions! But with the proverbial places to go and people to see (as alliteration ambles along my edges), how about 13 possible posts for your perusal – in honor of Friday the 13th? … Up for […]
Starting Out or Starting Over? 10 Best Cities for Every Stage!
Best places to consider for relocation – at any stage!
The Public Face
“Who are you, really?” he wrote, in an email. That’s not a question I answer easily. I know my public face, and my private selves. I keep them fairly separate for a number of reasons. And I like it that way. Who are you may seem like a simple question, but it isn’t something I […]
The Travel Twin
I really don’t have an evil twin. It just feels like it some days. And then there’s this: I think an evil twin would come in handy. Of course, I would endow her with a complex persona, not just character flaws and secret longings. She’d be my polished pinch-hitter (for whatever I dislike), my cocky […]
How to Celebrate an Anniversary
Do you have an anniversary coming up? A big day to celebrate? Are you expecting jewelry, lavish gifts, a surprise getaway? A luscious slice of cake? In my fantasy life, I am the delirious recipient of a glittering piece of jewelry to commemorate the day – nothing garish, mind you. A few carats will do […]
Home Alone
It is a long weekend in the States. A holiday. Memorial Day. For some, it is a day spent in realization of this occasion. But for most, this weekend announces the arrival of summer vacations, of travel, of family time. Carefree or carefully constructed schedules. A break in routine. A break, of any sort. And […]
Countdown to the French Open Day 1
Paris? Tennis? Irresistible combination? OUI! More irresistible than French men? Mmm. Tough one. But we’re counting down. Just hours away now. And what could be better than Paris in the spring, and Grand Slam Tennis? The only thing I can think of is being there – rather than watching on television. But watching I shall […]
How to Pack for Overseas Travel
Packing smart – and light – for overseas travel.
What WOULDN’T you do for your kid?
Is there anything you wouldn’t do for your children? I’ve been giving this question a great deal of thought lately. What wouldn’t I do for one of my kids? Hypothetically speaking, of course. Would I give up a kidney? Naturally. Bone marrow? Sure. Preferably if I could look at Hugh Laurie during the procedure. Would […]