When comforting our children feels next to impossible.
Getting Down to Business
Work ethic is one thing. Never enjoying success is another.
Close Call
Yesterday did not go as planned. Not even close. I set out on a routine day, with a list of tasks, a schedule, and my usual resolve. Then everything went awry. I cannot discuss the details – but let’s just say that my next days – or more – will be filled with the irritation […]
I admit I’m pondering change at the moment – achievable change. But who doesn’t drift to the land of “what if” now and then? What if you had a do-over? Something that you actually did – or didn’t do – that impacts you and your life? Maybe it’s personal – something to do with a […]
“It’s not my problem.”
How many times have you heard someone say: “It’s not my problem” – and you are baffled by the response? Perhaps it’s in reference to a task you consider routine, as part of a team. Or it may be a matter of parental responsibility. Have you ever been caught off guard by the “not my […]
Some days, no matter what you do, you’re out of time. You multitask and your arms, legs, even your hair follicles – the whole kit and caboodle – it’s all insufficient. Maybe Murphy’s Law kicks in – no more than usual, mind you. But the fact is, you’re caught. Squeezed. Really squeezed – all deadlines […]
Three C’s: Cruel, Callous, Counterproductive
Anyone who has spent time participating in social media has seen their share of bad behavior: name-calling, meanness, and of course there’s spam. Anyone who has a blog – or reads them – has waded through comment sections, tiptoeing around the spurious and vicious remarks, trying to get to the heart of the matter. We […]
Do You Speak Your Mind?
Speaking up. Speaking out. Speakimg your mind… with confidence. Sounds easy, right? But it’s not. And you know what I just realized? I spend more time in conversation with adolescents than with adults. I think that’s a great thing. I am more inquisitive, more engaged, and more myself when dealing with those under the age […]
Monday Morning Moments
After a really lousy few days, there’s nothing like a different sort of reality check. For example, everything that could have gone wrong that didn’t. On a Monday! For example: My computer didn’t crash. My car started despite the cold. I got the kid to school on time. His painting project is going well. I […]
Confidence (Our Secret Weapon)
Perhaps our most important asset. French women know it, and show it.