Lingerie? Size matters. And so do style, comfort, and more.
How to Boost the French Economy? Lingerie!
Might boning bolster a drooping economy?
In Your Face
I like different. I like innovative. I’m a fan of the quirky, the eccentric, the expression of individuality. In Your Face? Not so much, but at certain stages in life we all have identity issues, something to prove to ourselves (or others), and we assert our individuality in various ways – occasionally more stridently than […]
A Few of My Favorite Things
With a busy weekend in process (and teens, teens, teens about the place), I thought I would share a few of my favorite things. First and foremost? My beautiful sons, both home from school, and sound asleep in their messy rooms, surrounded by their half-unpacked bags, after a night during which the household was up […]
Best Gifts Ever
Shopping season? Mais oui! Yes, I realize we’re still nibbling our turkey leftovers, but I admit I’m contemplating the giving season. I’ve surrendered to a modest amount of virtual shopping in the past days, and this morning I was recalling the best gifts ever. Naturally, I have a few items snow-shoeing their way through my […]
Virtual Va-Va-Voom
Virtual window shopping at holiday time, with “luxe” and va-va-voom.
I wouldn’t say I was a “girly girl” exactly. I’m strong. I’m opinionated. But I love the differences between men and women. Perhaps it is my years in France. Perhaps I should own up to a few girly girl tendencies all the same. But I’ve fallen behind. Way behind – in everything that enables me […]
Lust and Lingerie
Corsets The satiny fabric. The slow and careful snap of the hooks against soft flesh. The touches of trim or lace. Strong boning that tightens my waist and accentuates my natural curves. Corsets. I love them. For some, corsets may seem the very antithesis of what today’s woman might consider acceptable, much less enjoy. Yet […]
Are French Men Irresistible?
The myth of the French man? Some of it isn’t myth…
Date Night, Anxiety, Vehicles, and Cherry Crush
Date night I’m going out tonight. There. I said it. I’m going out. I know, I know. Hardly the stuff of News at 11. Except when you’re no longer able to stand by 11. Then it’s news. BIG news. Because how am I ever going to pull this off? I admit that these days I […]