I am remarkably, astonishingly, uncharacteristically asleep for 15 hours – peaceful then flailing, waking only for moments then sleeping again. I am memorizing dreams of revisiting Boston and New York, and there are other places I am touching down but I cannot precisely pinpoint them. I have spent these extraordinary hours in decorating competitions alongside […]
Graduate School Admissions Counseling
Parenting college students… Making it up as we go along.
“Something American”
Sometimes all it takes is the right food to feel like you’re “home.”
Choosing Ignorance
Boys to men: Respecting the boundaries of privacy as our children come into their own.
What Are You Good At?
Kicking that critical voice to the curb. Taking stock so you can rock!
Loving our children through conflict and worry.
Regression Depression
One college student home, the other not. A teen plus fridge plus car keys equals what? He sleeps ’til two then eats, then since it’s hot, He’s schmoozing, cruising, sitting on his butt… However I have told him it’s okay, He’s weathered countless pressures many months. I know he needs the sleep he stores away; […]
It is a simple thing. I am searching for a password to an alumnae account so I can update a profile. I am searching for the key, a combination of letters and numbers that resides somewhere on a thumb drive, itself a key. I have only to locate the right one – a small strip […]
Going Nowhere… Slowly
Drifters, grifters and gifters?
Running Away
Some days we all want to run away from home.