“Fighting fair” may have its benefits.
Happy in Bed and Splendidly Fed
Sex and food. Is that all it takes to keep a man happy?
When “No” Should Go…
Must we talk about sex in order to “do” it? Or to do it well?
Man Friends
Our labels. Our living arrangements. Our… POSSLQs.
How Many Great Loves Do We Get?
Great loves. Do we only get one – and that’s if we’re lucky?
How I Met… the Men of My Dreams
Youth, passion, love, passion, travels, passion… Love.
Found Letter, Twice Buried, Once Loved
Found letters. Lost loves.
Beyond Limerence, Or, Why I’m Glad I’m Not Madly in Love
Mad love, lasting love, and why I know my personal preference.
All Locked Up
Locking up love? Not so simple.
The Importance of Beginnings
What the beginning of a relationship says about how it will unfold.