A 1960s classic television series, Peyton Place, sparks memories and questions. So much has changed in 50 years. And human nature and behaviors, far less so.
Asleep on the Job? Moi?
When you take on too much, when you lose sight of priorities, a little time “sleeping on the job” – or at least, sleeping – may prove to be a helpful exercise.
Choppy Weather? Hang On!
Change at any stage can be bumpy. 50+? Hang on tight!
Leap of Faith
Risk-taking. Maybe it needn’t disappear as we get older…
The Serendipitous Encounter
Encouraging the “happy accident.”
The Geography of Your Best Self
Mountains, beach, city. Where are we most ourselves?
Ah… Overwhelm. (And How to Reduce It.)
How NOT to feel submerged.
Experts, Experts Everywhere… Check Your Sources, You Should Care!
Vet your sources!
Waiting to Decide? Just-In-Time Decision-Making
Timing. Is. Everything.
All Puzzle Pieces in Place
Breaking big challenges down effectively