Fighting the good fight, and the not so good fight.
Visiting Peachtree Bluff With Kristy Woodson Harvey
Don’t miss the latest novel from Kristy Woodson Harvey, “Slightly South of Simple.”
Best Places to Live in 2017? That Depends.
Using lists, lifestyle, and preferences to narrow down YOUR “best places to live” in 2017.
Happy Monday! (And Other Stuff)
How many happy moments can we find on a dreaded Monday morning? Plenty.
Entering a New Year, Quietly
Quick words to bid goodbye to the old year and welcome in the new.
Holiday Spirit? Come On, Let’s Hear It!
Seeking your holiday spirit these days? Feeding your senses in myriad ways? Seasonal blues or a mood that is bright? How to rekindle your holiday light…
Magic Fingers? (Ah… The Marvels of Massage)
Ah… the digital delights of the season! A little online browsing, with a side of massage…
Election Stress?
Fighting election stress? Join the crowd. And some sources say women are feeling it more intensely than men.
“Why Me?” Thoughts on the Victim Mentality
When does the “poor me” attitude become the victim mentality? How do we deal with the damaging impacts of the victim mentality in people who are close to us?
Ah… The Handshake
Handshake habits say a lot about us. (Or do they?)