As if a “blended family” event isn’t challenging enough…
White Knight Syndrome
Fairy tales at 10 are one thing. Rescue fantasies as an adult?
Relationship Pitfalls: Helping Versus Fixing
It’s a fine line, and not to be crossed. Don’t “fix” where it’s not your job.
More Power to Martha!
Too old for anything? Says who? Online dating for Martha Stewart.
Short on Judgment? Tall Man, Small Man
Height discrimination? You bet. Tall is All in online dating.
Good Girl? Geisha Girl? Sexual stereotypes…
Caught in a Lie?
You’ve been caught in a lie, or you’re about to be. Now what?
Dating Decisions, Financial Finagling
When it comes to dating and marriage, money is no small matter.
Is curiosity a good trait? How often does it really kill the cat?
“Are You Still Single?”
That oh-so judgmental question (that drives some of us crazy).