I watch about half of them. Those dreadful, embarrassing, addictive Reality TV shows. Like watching a train wreck. Can’t quite avert the eyes. What can I say? It’s my guilty pleasure. Guiltier for some than others. And the Reality TV shows I watch? Top Chef and Top Chef Masters? Definitely. I enjoy viewing with my […]
Real Housewives, Real Adults, Real Friends?
I’ll fess up. I spent three hours the other night (happily) watching Bravo TV. Yep, those Housewives again. Embarrassing Behaviors First I watched the Real Housewives of Orange County (the Reunion Show, in two parts). Then I watched the newest episode of Real Housewives of New York. Twice. Okay, make that four hours of Reality […]
Men: What Do You REALLY Think of Women?
The Patti Stanger view of what men and women want from each other.
UnReal Dreaming: OC Housewives and Makeup Messes
Makeup monstrosities? Oh yeah. I’m talking collagen and cosmetics. Lipstick overdose. Botox buried in blush. Excess is the word du jour. Tartini excess at the beauty bar? Nothing makes a woman look older than too much makeup. But we all know it, right? Nothing makes a Real Housewife of Orange County look trashier and older […]
Why You Shouldn’t Air Your Dirty Laundry on the Internet
When I was seeing someone awhile back, there was virtually – and I mean virtually – no mention of him, or “us” on the Internet. I was quiet as a (dare I say it)… mouse. After all, even in our online world, some things (to some of us) are private. Very private. Like relationships. Like […]
Betty White won’t you be my Valentine?
Thinking about Valentine’s dating already? Those of you who are single are surely feeling the pressure. And if you’re “lightly” involved, you may be wondering if things will heat up for the robust red romantic holiday. And for any who are happily in love, you may be lubricating your love machines for a night (or […]
Real Housewives of OC: Why are we still watching?
So what is it with these women? We know they aren’t “real” real housewives, and we know reality TV edits heavily to give us a provocative view. It’s voyeurism + gossip, with a dash of envy and a dollop of disbelief. Most of us are weary of real impacts to our much “smaller” lives in […]
Are you a hottie?
Are you a hottie? Come on. Admit it. You’ve got to have at least one feature (or move) that you know drives your lover or spouse wild. Hot, hottie, hot! I happened to turn on Bravo TV’s Chef Academy while doing the dishes one night last week. OH MY HOT FLASHES. What a hottie that […]
Real men don’t wear pumps
Call me crazy, but every time I see a man in high heels – not lifts, mind you – high heels – ladies high heels – I shake my head. Do you hear me Real Housewives of Atlanta? I’m not talking cross-dressing, drag queens, or trannies in pumps. To them, I say go for it, […]
Mr. Potato Head. Richard Gere. Faux Fur.
Mr. Potato Head was flashing through my dreams the other night. No… not those kind of dreams, and not that kind of flashing either. Even if this little hunka-hunka-studly-spud has a certain staying power, expressive eyebrows, and movable parts, he’s just not my type. I like a man with, um, backbone. Oh. And a pulse. […]