He’s taken the car. Already. He’s been traveling in France, Belgium and Holland for two months, home for eight hours, and he’s leaving already. Yup. That’s about right. But he asked politely, as usual. And first he hauled out bags of trash, asked what else he could do to help, and gave me a hug. […]
What Ever Happened to the Love Letter?
For the love of a letter, and words from the heart.
It is a holiday weekend in the US. Families are gathering, preparing picnics, watching Wimbledon (as I will be, shortly) or their other favorite sports. They’re preparing for foot races under a sizzling sun, for fireworks in the local park, for unwinding. They are slowing down. Pulling in. Taking a few days off. I am […]
Why We Sweat the Small Stuff
When the small stuff adds up…
My Son, the Office Worker
He’d managed to get his dirty clothes washed. Finally. But it took a phone call to his grandparents who live about an hour away. I imagine my son convincing his grandfather to fetch him, driving from their small town to the big city, and then back to their home for a family weekend of discussion […]
Moderating Optimism
Are you an optimist? A pessimist? A pragmatist? Can’t say I much like labels. And I strongly dislike labels that tend toward mutual exclusivity in the way people slap them on their foreheads and parade about. Or slap them on the next guy, and judge. Personally, I’m pessimistic about individuals stepping into another’s shoes, and […]
Teach Me to Fish. Please.
The rod, the reel, or the ready-made meal There are times you’re too rushed to get to everything scribbled on the daily checklist. Not even close. So you ask for help, and it arrives. You breathe a sigh of relief. There are times you’re too worn out to get anything done. You ask for help. […]
Parenting Without a Safety Net
Your credentials, please? Parenting may be a profession – and certainly is, in my view – but there are no guarantees, no cap and gown after years of study. No diploma. No certification. Just a physician handing over a squalling little creature that owns your heart. And then it’s off to the races, figuring it […]
MalWare, Bad Style, Bad Sonnets, Great Cherries
Did someone say life was a bowl of cherries? Sonnets save the day when technology trashes it!
My Life as an Irritant
I need a new job title. Irritant. Possibly – Irritant Extraordinaire. And if the Louboutin fits… The “Irritant” Job Description What’s involved? Actual job duties? Here is a partial list (ADA and FDA-approved): cooking, cleaning, coercing; mega mountains of laundry, avoiding aforementioned laundry; counseling (whether the participant is willing or not), coaxing (a word or […]