Boredom… Not necessarily bad, and quite possibly healthy.
Who Inspires You?
Perhaps I’m feeling inspired. Or uninspired. I’m not entirely sure why this question popped into my head the other evening, but it did, and I put the query out in a few places hoping to expand my own set of voices to stir, to excite, to inspire. I ask myself who inspires me and run […]
Everything about the woman was foreign territory. Yes, she was polite. Yes, she smiled often. Yet her reserve kept her at a distance, holding everyone at bay. I wondered if it was the age, or the fact that she was married and living the suburban lifestyle with a husband and child. The rest of us […]
Of Sun Gods, Summertime, and Renewal
Renew, refresh, regenerate. Reuse. Recover. These are just a few of the terms that decorate a glossy black bag I came across at the market yesterday. It was a steal at $2.00, and I went for it. Its purpose? To hold a limited amount of food as I do my shopping mindfully – looking to reduce expenditures (and waste), not […]
Square One
Thoughts on forward movement.
The Friendship Fix
Friendships often falter after serious life events.
What Knocks You Down? What Picks You Up?
Oh, that real world stress. Oh, the physical toll!
Bite Me
Two little words that are good for what ails me.
What Ruffles Your Feathers?
Dirty laundry. Bouts of bitching. Ruffled feathers.
Give Marital Advice? Who – ME?
How marital advice from a divorcée may be just what the doctor ordered.