Fond of clichés? Don’t they breeze into our minds and tumble out of our mouths faster than a speeding bullet? Catchy little phrases stick, don’t they? Good for what ails you? A quick fix? Oh yeah – tidy gems to sum up the world’s wisdom, like life isn’t fair, you get what you pay for, […]
Friday the 13th (but I’m not superstitious)
Friday the 13th? No – I’m not going to tackle slasher movies, and I’m not going to write about superstitions! But with the proverbial places to go and people to see (as alliteration ambles along my edges), how about 13 possible posts for your perusal – in honor of Friday the 13th? … Up for […]
Do You Set the Bar Too High?
Is setting the bar too high as damaging as setting it too low?
The Answer Man
The search for answers.
Why I burned the popcorn
It’s a ghastly smell. Far worse than bread charred in the toaster. Burnt popcorn. And I wanted that popcorn for breakfast! Of course, it was nearly six in the evening when I tossed the package carelessly into the microwave. Yes, I’m running a little late today. Ten hours late to be exact. It’s been a […]
It is a holiday weekend in the US. Families are gathering, preparing picnics, watching Wimbledon (as I will be, shortly) or their other favorite sports. They’re preparing for foot races under a sizzling sun, for fireworks in the local park, for unwinding. They are slowing down. Pulling in. Taking a few days off. I am […]
If It Ain’t Broke. . . Break It?
Sure, sure. We all know the saying. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. And most of the time, it makes sense. Why mess with a good thing, right? In fact, I’m a proponent of the “if it aint’ broke” crowd in many circumstances, especially in relationships. For example, I won’t be pushed to a […]
Trickle Down Effect
Teaching children trickle down responsibility. And other life skills.
Moderating Optimism
Are you an optimist? A pessimist? A pragmatist? Can’t say I much like labels. And I strongly dislike labels that tend toward mutual exclusivity in the way people slap them on their foreheads and parade about. Or slap them on the next guy, and judge. Personally, I’m pessimistic about individuals stepping into another’s shoes, and […]
What WOULDN’T you do for your kid?
Is there anything you wouldn’t do for your children? I’ve been giving this question a great deal of thought lately. What wouldn’t I do for one of my kids? Hypothetically speaking, of course. Would I give up a kidney? Naturally. Bone marrow? Sure. Preferably if I could look at Hugh Laurie during the procedure. Would […]