French fashion fun You know I love French men. You know I love the French language. You know I’m itching to hop a flight and find myself in Paris again, or even better – in my fantasy hotel on the French Riviera. (I know. I really didn’t have to say it. I want my French […]
Mini-skirt. Hard news?
Hot off the French (online) press… Mini-skirts are making news. Huh? So why is debate heating up over the mini in the Midi? Um, isn’t France the land of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity?
TGIF (My French Fantasy)
My French fantasy. Really.
Dear ELLE Magazine in Paris
Dear ELLE Magazine Editor-in-Chief, Thank you so much for offering me the position of Executive Extraordinaire of Chic Geeks and Sweet Cheeks with French Speak. I am delighted to accept, and appreciative of the fact that you will allow me to work remotely from my cozy, charming, very French styled and eclectic East Coast American […]
Are French Men Irresistible?
The myth of the French man? Some of it isn’t myth…
I’m not dead yet, but I must be certifiable
So my kid is up at 4:00 am, Friday morning. Yes, this morning. In the kitchen. Which of course wakes me up, after four blissful hours which possibly could have extended into five. I’m a light sleeper no matter what, and these days, that’s an understatement. So I pad out to the kitchen (10 steps […]
Ah Chéri, I Never Spoke the Words
Flash Fiction: Paris rooftops, lost love.
Everyone needs a Parisian adventure, n’est-ce pas?
I wandered into this, compliments of Google. Perhaps you’ve seen it elsewhere, but I loved it. (But then, what’s not to love? It’s delicious and romantic in an endearing, geeky sort of way.) A Parisian love story. Even though it’s an ad for Google, it’s quite charming, meandering from a few key phrases to translate […]
Sexy Senator, according to French news
You’ve got to love the French! And j’adore my news feed. The pivotal Senate race in Massachusetts made news in France, as it did elsewhere in the world, including the yummy youth of sexy Senator Scott Brown. I love, love, love that French news leads with the fact that Brown posed nude for Cosmopolitan […]
Living Together – Separately
Are you part of a non-traditional couple? Committed or married, but not actually living in the same residence as your partner? Living together can be tough. Very tough. I’m reminded of an early episode of Sex and the City, in which Sarah Jessica Parker’s Carrie asks her love interest, Mr. Big, what his ideal living […]