Giving comfort during difficult days.
Singing the (Budgetary) Blues
Coping with the blues, budgetary or otherwise.
The Lonely Season
We stigmatize any admission of loneliness. So we push away the feelings, we nod at the cheery platitudes, we cover up the sense of shame we feel at finding ourselves on our own, and we pin a smile on our faces as we downplay our angst, especially at the holidays. We know this is the […]
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Coping with Disaster
As information continues to roll in on the devastation from Hurricane Sandy, I couldn’t help but think about the magnitude of the loss that so many are facing. Loss that may hit after the initial shock of the events of this week. I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose everything – the […]
Eeeek! My Stress Test! (How to Reduce Stress)
Stress, stress, stress. We know it’s unhealthy. Now what?
Myths, Marriage, and the Gray Sweater
Myths about marriage. Myths about divorce. Myth misconceptions.
Payment Plan for Mental Health
Parents fighting for mental health: teens, addiction, depression, and more.
The Disease Vs The Symptom: Teenagers, Technology, Depression
As parents, what does time spent surfing the net tell us about our teenagers?
Dear Me: Get Out Of My Way
Dear Me, I don’t want to do what I don’t want to do. But I do. I know. It’s called responsibility. It’s called adulthood. Sometimes, it’s called survival. But if I only do what I don’t want to do, I’m tired and I’m cranky; my imagination stalls and my hopelessness fills out its contours all […]
Losing the Habit of Self-Care
Why putting yourself last is a bad idea.