Life in a split second One split second, and everything changes. One glance away while driving. One decision, in a professional context. Perhaps one yes, or a single steadfast no. And you aren’t yet aware of the repercussions. Who hasn’t uttered a careless remark or acted in haste and lived to regret it? Do we […]
Roses. Monday. Complaint Department is OPEN.
It’s Monday. It’s really Monday. So the Complaint Department is open for business again. Here. Now. And then I have to get on with sorting out the umpteen messes of the past few hours and the weekend. How about you? Kids, by any other name, would smell as sweet Okay. Maybe it’s roses. Maybe it’s […]
First Coffee, Second Coffee
Coffee in the quiet First coffee in the morning, without rushing. Italian Roast, freshly brewed. The aroma, savored before I swallow. I will take my time. With everything. Even writing. Heaven. It is Saturday. There will be no lunch making at 7:30 a.m., no sluggish adolescent to poke and prod to get him to stir, […]
The other side of town
I was not where I wanted to be. In the car, weary, and heading across the city. At rush hour. My son was next to me in the passenger seat, navigating by two maps printed off Google; we were trying an alternate route to avoid tie-ups, but some were inevitable. I was leaning against a […]
If I close my eyes so I may dream. . .
If I close my eyes to dream, I must fill the empty pages. If I close my eyes to dream, I journey to Paris where I am invisible, and I am seen. I make my way to the Seine, I walk along its quais and through its crowds, I wander north,through jostling neighborhoods toward home, […]
Yes, it’s that time of year. Dammit. Pulling papers together. Searching through piles for receipts. Shuffling through forms and instructions to take care of taxes. Funny that we say things are “taxing” when they are endlessly wearying. As language usage, is that the chicken or the egg? Tax season When tax season rolls around, I […]
Where’s the funny?
I’m ransacking the cerebral files, the dream bank, the piggy bank. Hell, I’d empty the sperm bank if I had one around and thought it would help me crack a smile. I’d shake shake shake as much as I could from any of those vessels, to collect a clinking coin or drizzly drop of humor. […]
Oscar Awards: Does winning matter?
The Oscars are here! It’s that time again – Oscars – and we’ve all got our picks, our faves, our popcorn at the ready, our DVRs set if we can’t be present for the overly long telecast, and those impromptu speeches and stumbles. But we’re glued to our images, mesmerized by the glitz and glamor. […]
Why I Suck at Dating
Last weekend I ventured out. On Date Night. It was… interesting. An enjoyable dinner. And a strange dénouement. Then I waxed winsomely on the subject of body language and touch, and interpreting non-verbal communication. Not quite one week later, here’s my take: I suck at dating. How to determine your dating prowess Care to know […]
What drives you crazy?
Relationship deal breakers You’re on a first date. He’s polite, he’s interesting, he’s easy on the eyes. But he makes slurping noises – loudly – over potato leek soup. Deal breaker? You stumble on each other through an internet site. Your email exchange is sparkling. You speak on the phone. She rambles. In an interesting […]