Yes, there was one more teen party last night. Yes, I heard it. No, I wasn’t annoyed; I managed to sleep five hours anyway, and that’s good enough for the day’s mission: cake. Coffee I’ve been under the weather for a number of days, and I had plans to meet a friend for coffee last […]
Sink or Swim
Fond of clichés? Don’t they breeze into our minds and tumble out of our mouths faster than a speeding bullet? Catchy little phrases stick, don’t they? Good for what ails you? A quick fix? Oh yeah – tidy gems to sum up the world’s wisdom, like life isn’t fair, you get what you pay for, […]
Friday the 13th (but I’m not superstitious)
Friday the 13th? No – I’m not going to tackle slasher movies, and I’m not going to write about superstitions! But with the proverbial places to go and people to see (as alliteration ambles along my edges), how about 13 possible posts for your perusal – in honor of Friday the 13th? … Up for […]
“The best thing I’ve ever done”
There’s nothing quite like it. Having family around, especially when you’ve been apart for some time. It doesn’t matter what your family looks like – nuclear, extended, blended – large or small. Those you love – happy and well – that’s as good as it gets. Dinner for three “I know it was hard,” I […]
Doomsday for bloggers?
Have you been following the news on the “alleged” Google-Verizon agreement, and the possibility of delivering speedier Internet service to those able to pay for it? Many sources are weighing in, interpreting this as the demise of the little guy when it comes to web content. You know – people like you and me, and […]
Work of Art Episode 9: Natural Talents
Miles wonders what sort of dad Captain Crunch might make. Jaclyn is cranky when she catches cold. Nicole is the MacGyver of the Connecticut woods. What else did we learn on Work of Art Episode 9? Certainly very little about guest judge Michele Oka Doner. And why are we offered guest judges again? Might it […]
Chelsea wore Wang
I opened my laptop to images of Chelsea Clinton. The bride wore Vera Wang. As I paged through wedding photos on the web, all I could think was – when did this happen? How did so much time pass, and where did it go? As much as I love lingering over designer fashions, I’m miffed […]
I love you, have fun, be safe. CALL me.
I find myself stranded again. The car zipped down the street at noon yesterday, with my elder son behind the wheel. There was a brief exchange over a hastily planned camping trip in the mountains with friends. It’s a considerable drive, I’m sans vehicle for the weekend, but I said yes. My kid ran errands […]
Opposites attract? Not so much. Work of Art Episode 8.
They’re tired. They’re stressed. They’re young. Work of Art Episode 8, “Opposites Attract,” offers a reasonable challenge balancing specificity and free reign – in itself a fitting representation of the parameters of this week’s project. The remaining six artists are paired in teams, and tasked with collaborating on dualities: male and female, Heaven and Hell, […]
“It’s just a tree,” I tell myself. But each day as I stare at it, poke at the dirt, stubbornly water the skeletal form, I know it’s more than a tree. It’s a connective thread – history holding the past to the present, and the present to the possibility of a future. It is hope. […]