Nudging my kid, shaking my kid, waking my kid. As usual. Making the lunch, brewing the coffee, rushing to get a jump on my writing. As usual. My laptop flipped open, and ready to rock. As usual. Flipped open… and nothing. “Do backups,” said the adult voice. That was last night, about 12:30, as I […]
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
You don’t know if your printer will crash when you only allotted five minutes to pump out a handful of pages. You don’t know if when you grab the backup computer, its operating system will crank into update mode, and stay that way for twenty minutes. You don’t know if it will storm when you […]
How to get a sexy loaner… car
“We see this in the elderly,” he says, working intently on his paperwork. He’s 25, maybe 27. Excuse me? “The elderly. They don’t drive their cars enough. So the battery is compromised.” I know it’s early. I know I need coffee. I know even Christian Dior didn’t help much this particular morning. Do I look […]
Imagine. . .
Can you imagine a better world? There was an entire generation that dared to do just that. To imagine a different world. A better one. I am part of that generation. Our legacy of images and music from the late 1960s and early 1970s stands. It persists even in contemporary consciousness. It was a troubled […]
Timing is everything
Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking… Trying to wake the kid. Rushing to get his lunch made. Hoping the car will start. Scrambling to get things done hours earlier than usual, and “usual” is pretty damn early. Crossing my fingers that I make it to the dealership. Pleading for no traffic. Counting on that loaner. […]
Cuppa, cuppa, cuppa, cappa Thanks!
Sonnet Bonnet? Ach du lieber, Friday eve is here! No hot man with whom to pass my time. Thinking I’ll distract myself with cheer – Cappuccino couplets filled with rhyme? Might I ponder other things to do? A fine male chest that always makes me smile? I would find that cool now wouldn’t you? Or […]
The view from where I sit
It is not the day of her passing, though my mother is much on my mind. She is here, as I pad around the house to the ticking of the wall clock that brings me back to mornings in her kitchen. Today, I write from a chair I rarely use. It is most often the […]
Linger in a pleasing dream? Why not?
When you’re a challenged sleeper, even 30 more minutes of sleep can make the difference between an energized day and a long, difficult one. And when you love to dream, the idea that you could extend and linger in your cunningly conspiratorial unconscious is delicious, isn’t it? Yesterday I came across a Woman’s Day article […]
Unfinished Business
Who doesn’t have unfinished business? There are monies owed and never collected. There are grudges, though we wish we could shed them. There are injustices we can name, document, dissect until we are out of breath and still we cannot defeat them. There are plans shelved for the machinery of a family unit. There are […]
Get Rich Quick!
Link love from Louisville. Product placement in Poughkeepsie. Rentals in Rio. And haven’t we all seen our local version of Mother Makes $88 Dollars an Hour on the Internet? There has to be a way to make bucks fast, right? Must all the ideas we hear and read be schemes and scams? Two years ago […]