Is the “bitterness” label little more than a deflective device?
Sex With an Ex
Sex with an ex… Thumbs up? Thumbs down?
Repeating Your Parents’ Mistakes
Breaking the cycle of repeating our parents’ mistakes.
The One That Got Away
Films remind us of the one that got away… then didn’t.
Gray Divorce: Losing the Ball and Chain (After 50)
Boomer marriage, Boomer divorce…
Does Marriage Bring Out Our “Worst” Selves?
Bad habits gained in marriage, sometimes shed with divorce…
Separation Anxiety: 6 Things NOT to Say When a Friend Is Divorcing
Tread lightly.
Powerlessness can lead to rage.
Good Girl? Geisha Girl? Sexual stereotypes…
“Are You Still Single?”
That oh-so judgmental question (that drives some of us crazy).