The power of the flower… and a little old fashioned romance.
I took a day off yesterday. More precisely, I took the afternoon and evening off. To flirt. It’s something I don’t do often enough. Flirtation is an art form, and it requires practice. Besides, I needed a taste of the outside world, its color and aroma, the adult world. I live the writer’s life, isolated […]
How to Engage With an Older Woman (And Not Piss Her Off)
Older woman, younger man. No “C” words, please.
Caught With Your Pants Down?
Caught in an innocent but compromising scene. Now what?
Men: What Do You REALLY Think of Women?
The Patti Stanger view of what men and women want from each other.
Breast-Fed Boomer Boy: How NOT to Pick Up a Girl
Baby Boomer pickup line… FAIL.
Fab Date 1. Fab Date 2. NO Date 3. Just Not That Into Me?
Great dates! (And the Dating Disappearance Act.)
Better Sex Life? Cosmetic Surgery
Looking for a better sex life? Try this. Think those people keeping the plastic surgery business booming are going under the knife to crop that crooked nose? Think again! It’s boobs, booty, and more boobs. Reality TV, ads, films, internet dating, your local Whole Foods – everywhere you look are examples of nip this and […]
I Call Myself "Single"
I refer to myself as single. I think of myself as single. The “D” word? My mind just doesn’t go there. Marriage seems like a past life, a distant and foggy dream. Divorce? It was a long and wretched process. Impossible to forget, but I don’t dwell on it. Does the distinction matter? “Single” is […]
Around, Around, Around We Go… Match Dot Com, You’re Awfully Slow.
The online dating merry-go-round. Oh, so slow…