Women don’t care about money like men. True or false?
Report Card
It’s approaching the end of the school year, and as my son prepares for a variety of exams and final papers, I think about the report card. Not his. Mine. As he continues his last push toward graduation, I find myself wondering what sort of marks I would receive as his parent. Of course, I […]
Women on Top?
What’s your position? Women on top? A little variation and taking turns, or better yet – anything goes as long as the fit feels appropriate? Ah, but it isn’t so straightforward if you find yourself stuck in the middle – of middle management, that is. Especially if you’re trying to wriggle your way out, then […]
Ask the Experts
Authenticity, authority, credibility, credentials. Have we forgotten that these are essential ingredients in establishing expertise?
Anger or Impotence
While visions of Reality TV and sexual athletics may be dancing through my head in the early a.m. – as I am extricating myself from dreams – within a few minutes of brewing my coffee and scanning a few headlines, other thoughts quickly take precedence. In keeping with yesterday’s theme – the “human” side of […]
Tipping the Scales
Are you impetuous when it comes to decision-making, or do you weigh all the factors and carefully consider consequences? As my son and I reflect on his college choices, I ask myself to what extent I might influence his decision-making. All things being equal – financially – would I leave the choice up to him? […]
Small is Beautiful
The past days and nights have been long – finishing paperwork that’s essential for my son, and continuing to deal with a data snafu from a service provider that has rippled through more areas of life than I could have imagined. In trying to untangle that issue – a mistake made by the institution I’m […]
The Feminist Factor: Do Men Fear Women?
This question has been rolling around in my mind for days: On some level, do men fear women? I’m not trying to be provocative. But I was reading a discussion on contemporary feminism recently, and the implications around gender-based control keep bringing me back to the issue of fear. Don’t we all try to combat […]
Particle Physics
We’ve been staying up until all hours, often working side by side. On the couch. Or he’s on the couch and I’m in an adjoining room plopped in a chair, plugging away on my laptop. He watches me scowl in exasperation, shuffle through stacks of pages, then tap furiously on my keyboard for a long […]
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
You don’t know if your printer will crash when you only allotted five minutes to pump out a handful of pages. You don’t know if when you grab the backup computer, its operating system will crank into update mode, and stay that way for twenty minutes. You don’t know if it will storm when you […]