Some codes should not be broken.
There’s Living, and There’s Writing About Living
“We’re living together,” he says. “What do you mean?” He touches my elbow. I stop and turn back to him. He slides me out of the way as an older woman eases past with her cart. His eyebrows are raised and his face is open. “Well, aren’t we? We’re together when we wake. We’re together […]
Perfect (Sort Of)
Flash fiction: Perfect. Entirely up to us. Sort of.
Statements On a March Day, Like Any Other
Statements of belief, free form.
Letters, Writ Small, for Nathalie Sarraute
Nathalie Sarraute was one of the initiators of the nouveaux romans genre of novel-writing, a style that shuns the use of traditional narrative techniques, such as plot structure, characters, and setting. Instead, Sarraute and other practitioners of the “new novel” focus on presenting precise, objective narratives that are often episodic in nature and call upon […]
Size Matters
Sexy moments, sexy thoughts, and a tub.
Ten Spotty Years of Selective Recollection
Snippets of stream of consciousness. On marriage, parenting, divorce and what may come after. 94: First Waking all over the Planet X Two The alarm cracks my belly open like a giant jeweled watermelon fallen from the Great Wall, released blankly of angelic arms, sheepish grins. Ah, these cotton eyes open wide, spiteful and wondrous. […]
Ah Chéri, I Never Spoke the Words
Flash Fiction: Paris rooftops, lost love.
Don’t Stick Your Tongue in My Ear. Please.
Erogenous Zone Alert… Erotic ear? Concupiscent commentary.
The Life I Do Not Lead
Come closer. There is a dab of Chanel between my breasts. I have poured myself a drink. I am spread out on top of the bed covers, propped against red pillows in tangled sheets, caught in the turbulence of my sleeplessness, my nightly storm. Outside, the wind howls and releases, limbs bend and then relent, […]