Rain is streaming down the window panes. Less so than last night, but the morning sky remains an angry, bloated charcoal. The house sleeps, though I am awake. “It’s Saturday,” I remind myself, taking a deep breath. “I can do nothing.” I sip my coffee. I listen to the quiet. I type an email to […]
Making Excuses
Setting goals you can’t seem to meet? Are you fighting to attain a dress size? Looking to lose extra pounds and never quite making your goal weight? Your “skinny jeans” make a mockery of your daily diet and your self-esteem. You visit your closet nostalgically, running your fingers over jackets and blouses that once made […]
Boost your brain (with pleasure)
Unanticipated pleasure Last evening, for three hours, I hovered in the pleasure zone, my brain and body exquisitely in sync. This was delight the likes of which I haven’t felt in six months, or perhaps as long as a year. The kind of pleasure, intense and pervasive, that obliterates worry and fatigue as all the […]
Coffee, Teeth, Journal, Run!
Wake up and run Alarm clock, hand slapping the buzzer. Rolling out of bed with a groan. Staggering to the bathroom. Staring into the mirror, then teeth, face, shuffling to the kitchen to switch on Mr. Coffee, then back to the bedroom. Blinking at the time, yes, a run is possible, no, a run will […]
What If…
Asking “what if” is only natural. But dwelling in hypotheticals achieves little.
Yes, no, and finding balance
I have a bad habit. The fact is – I have many, but this particular bad habit is quite literally detrimental to my health. No, it isn’t smoking or drinking. It isn’t substance abuse of any sort. It’s simpler than that, and so much more complicated. I don’t pay enough attention to me. Too busy […]
Well-being at any age?
Well-being at any age? Certainly! And I was going to grab my opportunity while I had it; quiet time is a rarity on my crazy little planet. More so this summer. Twenty minutes to myself – extraordinary! How would I take advantage? A hot interlude in the late afternoon sun, on the little deck overlooking […]
French dog high on dope, recovering nicely after rampant case of munchies
“Chien plane complètement… les yeux vitreux… après avoir dévoré du cannabis,” selon son propriétaire. “Dog completely stoned… eyes glazed over… after devouring cannabis,” according to his owner. These were the headlines that greeted me when I opened my home page this morning. Yes, a French home page. And why not? If I can’t have a […]
Customer Service: complimentary chocolate, free flowers & a smile
Does customer service still matter in a down economy? You bet it does. I may love to wander the aisles of Whole Foods – gaze at the gorgeous flowers, the succulent fruits, the arrays of fresh vegetables in vibrant colors. But regular fare is a matter of Safeway, Kroger, or Publix – shopping according to […]