“Register for the SATs,” I said this morning. Again. As I was pulling laundry out of the washer, and shoving it into the dryer. “They’re coming up in early October.” “How do I do that?” he asks. My son is 16. He’s fixing himself the king of all omelettes. “Google!” I holler, from the next […]
I lost my summer. (Where did it go?)
Do Russkipreneurs somehow know I speak Russian? How many times do I have to delete their spam? Right. It’s not a conspiracy. They’re spamming us all. Do my teens realize the summer has disappeared? The past two months have been swallowed by a black hole. Right. I did it myself. So much for my daydreams […]
Libido Linked to Idealism. Federal Funding Sought for Additional Study.
Libido linked to politics, or the politics of libido?
Less Stress Over Mounting Debt? Don’t Think So.
Less stress, though your mountain of debt is growing? Be wary of data that doesn’t make sense. Dig deeper.
Personal politics, urban dictionary style, six ways from Sunday.
Yep. I love Urban Dictionary. It suits me, despite the fact that its lingo is harder to master than a Slavic soumise. But I can live and learn, look and learn, listen and learn. And examine our political landscape with fresher (albeit irreverent) eyes six ways from Sunday. This morning, staring down a stack of […]
Pas de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles? Not always.
“Pas de nouvelles… bonnes nouvelles, comme dit le proverbe.” No news is good news, as the proverb says. But is the proverb true? Or is no news just… no news? No news is no news In the case of an overseas friend who hadn’t written or called in awhile, it was true. Tout allait bien; […]
Admittedly, Tuesday…
Morning musing from an aching place.
Asking for Help: A Sign of Weakness?
In tumultuous times, do you ask for help? You feel like you’re at the end of your rope – emotionally, physically, financially. Everything is at its breaking point, and you’re falling, flailing, and failing – at each attempt to regain your balance. So? Do you ask for help? I was raised to be self sufficient. […]
Customer Service: complimentary chocolate, free flowers & a smile
Does customer service still matter in a down economy? You bet it does. I may love to wander the aisles of Whole Foods – gaze at the gorgeous flowers, the succulent fruits, the arrays of fresh vegetables in vibrant colors. But regular fare is a matter of Safeway, Kroger, or Publix – shopping according to […]
Stilettos in Anchorage. Tequila in Center City. Diets, anywhere.
Stilettos. Tequila. Diets – even the crazy kind. Recession-proof ideas, he said. My friend who has a friend who has a friend, the venture capitalist. “Give me a great recession-proof idea, and I’ll get you the funding.” Was it legit, or was it really just a line about my bottom line? I was to gather […]