A necessary outing, a pleasant surprise, and reflections on reflections – in bright, resolute colors.
Small Town USA, 1967
Small Town memories and dreams of Camelot.
There is Nothin’ Like a Dame
She who stands up for her beliefs? Singing the praises of the Dame!
Purse-suit of Happiness
What do women keep in their handbags? Memories and more.
Gender studies on peevishness? That makes me cranky.
Starting Over at Starting Over. Again.
The perpetual process of starting over.
How I Met… the Men of My Dreams
Youth, passion, love, passion, travels, passion… Love.
Found Letter, Twice Buried, Once Loved
Found letters. Lost loves.
Callow, Clueless, and Cruising Paris
Cruising Paris. Taking it all in. 20 years old… Advice to a younger self?
When he returns from nine months in Europe, he unpacks two boxes from his luggage and sets them on the kitchen counter. I recognize them immediately. My emotions are a jumble. Pleasure. Sadness. Suddenly, I feel older. I admit I’d hoped he might do this. Sometimes, he’s thoughtful that way, or perhaps he knows me […]