Lost your PIN or lost your mind? Think your taxes were a grind? FAFSA’s looming let’s just say, And CSS is days away. If you do misplace your PIN, Do not fret, you can get in. Duplicates may be obtained; The PIN site has a link for same. Oh, the joys of college years! But […]
Fawning, Flattering, Following? Friday!
Are you fawning when it comes to those you admire? Are you flattered when someone admires you? Are you thrilled to be followed – virtually, that is – especially on #FollowFriday? Isn’t Friday fun? We all know that Twitter’s #FollowFriday is our shot at shout-outs to people and places we want to share – so […]
Beautiful Eyes
Some say eyes are the windows to the soul. So it follows – beautiful eyes, beautiful spirit? When I look into the eyes of almost any child, they seem beautiful to me; the child is untouched as yet by hurt or disillusionment. When I look into the eyes of anyone full of hope, they seem […]
Learn Passé Composé. Yes You Can!
Vous faut-il améliorer votre grammaire ? Vous voulez bien une petite révision animée du passé composé, grâce à Go!Animate ? Et il faut bien un peu de politique en même temps, n’est-ce pas ? Et votre verbe auxiliaire – être ou avoir – Républicain ou Démocrate ? D’un côté ou de l’autre, vous vous faites […]
Politically Correct
Ah, the politics of language… Not so simple. Anywhere.
How To Succeed… Or Keep On Trying (Aspiration, Inspiration, Motivation)
Pop Culture Rx?
The Rightness of Reading
Do you read to your little ones? A real book – with paper pages that smudge and yellow, and a bound spine of some sort? Did your parents or grandparents read to you as a child? Does the pleasure of reading fill you with a state of calm? Time to read – an actual book […]
Self Censorship
“God, she’s trashy.” Stop. That’s a terrible thing to say. Shaking the head. Clucking the tongue. Pursing the lips. It’s all unconscious – this physical manifestation of disapproval. And something deeper. Anger. No, more than anger. Outrage. “Well it’s true. She bad mouths everyone. You’d think she’d realize how classless it is. And people pay […]
Will Power
Staying on track when it’s tough.
Laughter Is The Best Medicine
No matter what the time, the place, the circumstances, generally, it’s good for what ails you. Laughter. Seriously! It can’t hurt, right? Except maybe after a C-section or hernia repair. After all, there’s nothing quite like side-splitting, gut busting, uproarious letting loose. I say again: Laughter! Or maybe you prefer a tiny titter from Twitter?