The dream of a swim…
To The Fathers Who Have Left Us
To the fathers who are gone, whatever your reasons, do you regret your departure? If good memories predominate then we are fortunate, though the moments that we mix with nostalgia are buried in a past that we refashion to suit us. We know too well the sunlight, in which we stand at your side. We […]
Eight Hours, Six Sons, Two Dreams
In the dream I am a young boy, an adolescent really, fourteen or fifteen. My skin is translucent, my veins sky blue, and my fingers are finally growing. My arms and legs are too long on an awkwardly assembled chassis. My voice has yet to drop and my cheeks show no need of a razor. […]
Destination… Contemplation
Paris, 9 days, $1300. Dreams of travels to come. At least – the energy to dream.
How To Succeed… Or Keep On Trying (Aspiration, Inspiration, Motivation)
Pop Culture Rx?
Trust Fund
Life’s relationship experience: refilling the personal trust fund after loss or betrayal.
Five Years Back, Five Years Forward
Yesterday, Kristen at Motherese offered a wonderful glimpse into her life – looking back at her past five years and how much her world has changed. Her personal journey has taken her from teaching school in New England to becoming a writer and mother of three little ones, living in the Midwest. As a teacher, […]
Piano Bar
Big blue eyes. Black brows, penciled in, and thin. Translucent skin, dark hair pulled back from the face, and just the slightest hint of age around the neck, that softening of skin that immediately signals four decades behind or possibly five, and still, her beauty is unmistakable. She is simultaneously subdued and friendly though some […]
It is the low-pitched and rolling brogue that startles me, and I look up. I hadn’t heard him enter the living room. “Surprised to see me?” he asks, cocking that irrepressible eyebrow that makes a woman’s heart beat faster, like everything else about him. I’m not sure what to say. I am surprised to see […]
Sometimes, You Give In
I am dreaming of Hillary Rodham Clinton and the face I see is the one I remember with clarity: she is bright and youthful, her hair pulled back and secured by a head band, her earnest expression we come to know at the beginning of her husband’s first presidential campaign. And in the dream I […]