Dear WE Magazine for Women, I’m not sure how you found me – but I thank you for doing so! I’d like to express my appreciation for being included in your “101 Women Bloggers to Watch in 2010.” I’ve placed my writing award in the upper right region of my sidebar, to remind me to […]
Parenting Tips (and Burst my Bubble)
Parenting rocks. Parenting sucks. Parenting rocks. There are great sources of information out there. And terrible sources of information out there. There are great sources of information out there. When it comes to parenting (mothering in particular), we are our own worst enemies. We are also – potentially – our greatest cheerleaders and sources of […]
A Rumpled Suit, Jon Hamm, Brigitte Bardot, A Book By Its Cover
He was a rather rumpled gentleman, 40-something, about 50 pounds overweight. The type to be overlooked by women glancing across the room. He wore an easy grin, let loose a contagious belly laugh, and the fact is – he reminded be a bit of Oliver Hardy. Yes, as in Laurel and Hardy. He was also […]
Letter to the new decade
Dear 2010, and the nine years that follow: I am bracing myself. I step over the threshold to meet you with awareness of my own fragility, shadows hovering, and a crystal ball that seems to be on the fritz. My machinery is in disrepair and I am past due for a talented handy man. I […]
Naughty nibbles. Sugar, cookie?
Sugar, cookie? Nope. Not a recipe. Nope, not a rhyme. Nope, I haven’t hit the egg nog, sumptuously spiked with more than fresh nutmeg. But this morning, all I could think of was sugar cookies. Scads of them, lightly flavored with lemon, or orange, or almond. Covered with sparkles. Strategically. Because these aren’t just any […]
The morning after
Alka-Selzer time? Did you eat too much? Drink too much? Indulge in a little seasonal gluttony? Ah, the phenomenon of the morning after – best survived by the young; nonetheless an experience familiar to those who should know better. The morning after Some of us remember our partying days (and nights) in college, or possibly […]
Light in the morning
When not awakened by the alarm, when no requirement to rush out into the kitchen, when no schedule slips into my morning brain as the eyes open, when I lay unmoving in my bed even for a few minutes – before hunger, before pain begins, before worries – I am aware of the light in […]
Yes, no, and finding balance
I have a bad habit. The fact is – I have many, but this particular bad habit is quite literally detrimental to my health. No, it isn’t smoking or drinking. It isn’t substance abuse of any sort. It’s simpler than that, and so much more complicated. I don’t pay enough attention to me. Too busy […]
Parenting is sloppy
I woke early, remembered four extra teen boys sleeping in my house – somewhere – and stopped by one of my favorite spots, trying to hold off on that first dose of caffeine. I dropped in at Kristen’s place, Motherese, where there was a particular cookie. And it looked delicious, and perfect, and made me […]
Statements of Self, Drunken Drafts, and Other Threads
It’s been a scattered week. (Is it really only Thursday morning?) After seven blissful hours of sleep, I am more equipped than usual to muse on this and that, and offer a few observations on the self – how, and how much we offer to others – along with thoughts on colorful gloves, drunken drafts, […]