A facelift for your space? Great! And no surgery required!
Midlife Makeover: “Dress Your Age”
Age-appropriate dressing: Common sense?
Midlife Makeover: 1950s Style for… 50s Style?
50s style for, well… 50s style?
Midlife Makeover: Style Tips for Women Over 40
Beauty and style tips from Tish Jett.
Designing… Daily
When approaching the blank page is like designing and decorating an empty space.
Good Taste
Does your “good taste” reveal who you are and what you love?
Watch Closely and Accessorize With Care
Accessorizing: Hazardous to the health of your career?
Le Chat Botté
Puss in boots? I prefer a Wolf in booties, myself.
Packaging Personal Style
Do we look beyond the packaging of personal style and learned behaviors?
A Beautiful Face
Global standards of beauty… in transition.