I miss stormy. Okay. I’ll rephrase. I miss occasionally stormy. It isn’t what I experienced in marriage, and at the time, I thought that was a plus. Of course, things were rocky at the end, and that’s to be expected. But the relationship itself seemed to run smoothly. Quietly. We rarely fought. If anything, we […]
Linger in a pleasing dream? Why not?
When you’re a challenged sleeper, even 30 more minutes of sleep can make the difference between an energized day and a long, difficult one. And when you love to dream, the idea that you could extend and linger in your cunningly conspiratorial unconscious is delicious, isn’t it? Yesterday I came across a Woman’s Day article […]
Tangled Torsos, Lively Libido?
Tantalizing touch Troubles at work, struggles in your personal life, health concerns – all add to a lagging libido, nudging the desire for desire to drop off the edge of our daily diaries. And wouldn’t we be so much better off if we could rally our feral forces, and indulge in some quality coupling? For […]
Moment of silence
Last evening I wrote in the quiet. I watched a movie on cable. I read, then wrote some more. And settled slowly into a rhythm of 24 hours of silence. Strangely peaceful silence. Everything in me unwinds, finally, after a week of being on my own, in this observation of an hour of silence, and […]
Caught With Your Pants Down?
Caught in an innocent but compromising scene. Now what?
Why I’m Fond of Isopropyl Alcohol
Oddities I woke early, heart racing, dark dreams prickling – my own version of a global thriller, complete with missing mid-century masterpieces, a chase scene through a foreign airport, running for my life across an unknown border, and the face of the enemy in pursuit. Frankly, I kept waiting for action hero Jason Bourne to pop […]
If I close my eyes so I may dream. . .
If I close my eyes to dream, I must fill the empty pages. If I close my eyes to dream, I journey to Paris where I am invisible, and I am seen. I make my way to the Seine, I walk along its quais and through its crowds, I wander north,through jostling neighborhoods toward home, […]
What good are dreams?
Recurring dreams? Recurring nightmares? If our dreams allow us a smile when we wake, then they are good. If our dreams process a problem and offer options for its solution, then they are good. If our dreams provide escape, diversion, possibility and we can carry that positive energy forward into our working days, then they […]
I’m not dead yet, but I must be certifiable
So my kid is up at 4:00 am, Friday morning. Yes, this morning. In the kitchen. Which of course wakes me up, after four blissful hours which possibly could have extended into five. I’m a light sleeper no matter what, and these days, that’s an understatement. So I pad out to the kitchen (10 steps […]
Ah Chéri, I Never Spoke the Words
Flash Fiction: Paris rooftops, lost love.