Ah, those Best Laid Plans. Every parent knows how easily a well-architected schedule goes awry. So do the rest of us who are juggling a little of this, a lot of that, and a set of holiday items they’re running behind on.
Care to add a rather jam-packed physical therapy schedule, and running late to see the World’s Nicest Physical Therapist, and let her know the last maneuver she managed has had phenomenal results?
Say hello to rushing to make it to an appointment on time and… Thwack! Aieeee! Noooooooo!!!
Broken toe!
(Aforementioned physical therapist, upon presenting a cold pack for the toe when you hobble in, raises her eyebrows and says: “Really? REALLY???” (That’s a direct quote.))
My best laid plans for today, including writing, researching, and scoping out a few Xmas tree options from the comfort of my car (with heating pad)… scratched. (Shall we find a Plan B? Plan C? More ice?)
Having weathered the trials and tribulations (and feeling of idiocy) of having broken toes before… I know I’ll be saying adios to my best laid plans for next week as well…
The cleaning to be done? The tree to be purchased? Difficulty enough accomplishing those tasks, given a troublesome back, which is the reason I was on my way to PT? And the exercises that are helping, requiring that I distribute weight evenly on both legs?
Need proof?
Right foot, that is. Second toe, throbbing in time to… Hello? Shall I launch into a refrain of Jingle Bells?
Don’t we all know that accidents are more likely to happen in the home, not to mention when we’re distracted, stressed, or sleep deprived?
All the more reason to take the time at the holidays to slow down, pay attention, get enough zzzz’s, and watch the tootsies… please!
Care for a little interesting reading around the web?
- A National War on Fat (Utne Reader)
- Best News Bloopers 2015 (Time)
- Are the Best Things in Life Free? (New York Times)
The good news? (There’s always good news.) I do not type with my toes…
What are you up to this weekend? Holiday scrambling? Family time? Deep breath and a good book? Break any bones lately?
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Not lately, but a few years ago at 7am while rushing to make it to the bus on time for jury duty, I tripped at the top of the porch stairs (7), flew through the air desperately trying to regain my footing and landed on my daughter at the bottom (she caught me, we both ended up on the ground). At the moment of my stumble I had both hands full of stuff to do while at jury duty (computer, books), was looking at my watch and saying a swear word very loudly since I was so late. Ended up with an ER visit, 2 sprained ankles, and dual walking boots for 2 months. Physical therapy for 3. I got off easy. Without my daughter there, I would have smashed my arm, shoulder and/or head on the concrete walkway. I got out of jury duty – for that day. They made me reschedule. No, they did not believe my reason.
After the accident I, literally, had to slow down. I had to force myself to slow down. No more rushing. Leave early and leave plenty of time. Be mindful. Those are my mantras.
Now I always, ALWAYS pause at the top of those steps. I always ALWAYS have one hand on the handrail. And I always tell visitors to watch it on those stairs.
Thank goodness we don’t type with our toes. Please heal well.
What a story!
And thanks, Lunaboogie!
🙂 🙂
I AM Like the P.T. REALLY?…..R E A L L Y!!!!!!!!!!
SO happy to hear what she is doing is WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me did you have shoes on? RED SOLES???? If the answer is YES, They were TOO HIGH!!!!!
FLAT SHOES ONLY for the back and the TOES!!
Good grief the toe next to the BIG TOE…………… THAT has me hurting!!!!
To answer YOU……. been up since 3 am…….WHY? BUGGERS …NO IDEA………. Beef brisket in the oven by 6 am now wrapping gifts…… taking a break……… laundry awaits……. etc etc………… just finished VICKI LESTERS BOOK IT's IN HIS KISS! I loved it! Do you follow her on INSTAGRAM? She writes about old HOLLYWOOD!!!!! TOO BEGUILING. Has a BLOG TOO!
I must get back to my DUTIES! DON some of that RED LIPSTICK and keep a smile on your FACE!!!!!!!!
I was barefoot and dressing to go to PT, Contessa. How boring is that?!?
I had an epic break (three actually) in my right upper arm several Christmas’ ago, when the whole family was together in Utah for a ski trip. Second run. On an easy slope. I’m actually a very good skier, been doing it all my life; love it. I just fell funky on an icy spot and that was it – made the rest of the trip down on a toboggan pulled by the ski patrol. Then spent that night on the couch, high as a kite on pain killers while my family’s laughter, merriment, apple TV photos streaming on the big screen went in and out of focus. What are ya gonna do?
I love the Pollyanna in you that states at least you don’t type with your toes. Nor, I realize, do you read with them.
Happy Holidays though! And I’m sorry about your mishap. Damnit.
Will your boys will be there with you soon, if they’re not already?
Epic break is right! That sounds dreadful, Barbara! And happy holdays to you, too. xo
Hi DW!
I can relate to those best laid plans! Sorry to hear about your toe and your other PT woes! Hope you’re able to find a little R&R in the midst of this setback. And so glad you have ten fingers to type with! 😉
Merry Christmas, DW!
LOL! It IS a good thing you don’t type with your toes! But I’m not laughing at your circumstance. Having had a broken inner sesamoid bone in my right foot years ago, I understand the pain. No one could figure out how I broke the inner bone. Just talented, I guess. Was in a wooden shoe all through the holidays that year. So, if we won’t slow down, life has a way of slowing us down, right? Entrepreneur learned that the hard way about a year ago. My wish this holiday season and beyond is for peace, good health and lots of love in your life.