Everyone enjoys a good game of revelatory questions. The meme (of sorts) has become a pleasurable routine, and I found myself smiling at the quick sketch offered up in The New York Times on renowned glass artist, Dale Chihuly.
This week’s Download by Kate Murphy gives us the legendary glass artist relating what he’s reading, listening to, watching, eating and so on.
What about you?
What everyday or notable activities might you share that reflect who you are and where you are in your evolving interests?
What are you reading, watching, listening to? What are you eating these days that may be different or fall into the “best ever” category? Whom have you discovered recently that you may choose to follow? What might your responses say about what you value?
What Are You Reading
I am, unfortunately, too busy to have a book in process. That is a woeful admission, and perhaps “too busy” isn’t the most accurate reason (excuse), so much as “overloaded” and thus unable to concentrate on recreational reading.
That said, I consume The New York Times as often as possible and with pleasure, though only benefit from a leisurely reading on Sunday mornings.
Believe it or not, I would love to attack Thomas Piketty’s “Capital,” the 577-page work on income distribution and related social and political institutions.
On that note, I recommend The Times opinion piece by Joseph Stiglitz, in the last of their series on The Great Divide: “Inequality is not Inevitable.”
What about you? Are you engrossed in a wonderful piece of fiction? Non-fiction? Poetry? Are you reading with your children or grandchildren? What are you reading on – a tablet, laptop, smartphone or other device? Hard-copy paper that is bound in traditional format?
Are you more into reading tea leaves? (Is there an app for that?)
Listening to Music While You Work
Strange though it is to some, I adore silence or the sounds of strangers in a crowd. Both, generally speaking, are my preferred music.
I do not work well with Bach or the Beatles in the background, not that I’ve tried either lately. The drizzle of rain, the whoosh of wind through the trees, the low murmur of voices in a café… These are another matter entirely.
I can, however, relax to trash TV in the background (though not “all” trash TV), or on the other end of the spectrum, classic films. (Bette Davis and Gregory Peck, I love you in… everything.)
When I choose to listen to music, it could be almost anything depending on mood, with the exception of country. Sorry, Country fans. But I’m not sorry that I value silence (Simon and Garfunkel would approve), and I’m certain my single mother years of noise and commotion have something to do with it.
And you? Music while you work and/or play? A must or an irritant? What are you listening to these days?
What Are You Watching
Give me a great British thriller or detective series and I’m a happy woman. Likewise, when it comes to the occasional Scandinavian fare.
Say ‘tack’ (thank you) to Swedish series, Wallander, and my most recent middle of the night obsession, Prime Suspect, with the marvelous Helen Mirren as detective Jane Tenison or settling in with Foyle’s War.
Clearly, I love a good story – especially with well-developed, flawed, and very human characters.
So why are the Brits so superb at crafting these series? Given that they are in the throes of an identity crisis at present – aren’t we all? – perhaps they could take pride in these productions at the very least, as I can only imagine they do.
And yes, I still sneak in the Housewives now and then. As for Mad Men… my viewing habits are hardly hidden…
What Are You Eating, and the Best Burger Ever
Although I’m as yet unsuccessful at shedding six stubborn pounds gained a few months back – equally stubbornly, I persist. I primarily consume homemade soups, fish, salads, and veggies. About once a week, I want a great piece of grass-fed beef. I’m attentive to portion control and try to walk briskly as often as possible.
While there is nothing new in this scheme, I will say that I had one of the best burgers ever a week or two back. Care to see?
The perfect char on the outside, barely pink and tender inside, and while difficult to see, plopped on caramelized onions and avocado.
Care to guess where I indulged in that delectable dinner?
Discoveries to Follow
I follow a variety of media feeds out of curiosity and of course, a diversity of interests. I am rarely, if ever, bored if for no other reason than the extraordinary ability to learn more about the world via the Internet.
I frequently find thought provoking pieces via Forbes.com. In particular, articles by Todd Essig are incisive and informative, and Oliver Burkeman, who writes for The Guardian, is also an interesting source.
I am never disappointed with the intelligent commentary at The Broad Side. (Do pop by there for a Hillary Fix if you’re in need.)
I’ve recently been enjoying a variety of articles on entrepreneurship and organizational effectiveness (yes, I find both fascinating), and I’m especially intrigued by what potentially holds women back psychologically as well as socially and economically.
Even as I write this, I wonder: Are we increasingly defining ourselves by who we “follow?” How revealing is what we’re up to at any point – in terms of watching, listening, reading – of who we truly are? Is it more communicative of where we are in terms of stage of life and state of personal or professional affairs? Are these glimpses into our everyday lives a small window into our values?
What about you? Who or what are you following these days?
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Reading “The yellow house, nine weeks in the life of Gauguin and Vincent van Gogh. Can’t listen to anything when I paint… Babysitting a 10 year old mad fisherman so food is following his taste buds for now!!!! No trash TV with him around. “Cosmos” has been a favorite.
Annie v.
I am juggling several books right now. Euphoria by Lily King, The Light You Cannot See by Anthony Doerr and Americanah by Chimanda Adichie.
As far as eating/drinking, we’ve indulged in green smoothies at our house. So refreshing in the summer heat.
I’ve been laid low by the brain fog of general anesthetic and the pain killer aftermath of surgery last week, so I have not been following anyone, or focusing on anything (attention span: 20-30 seconds at most, memory span: shorter than that). That has been a very disorienting departure from my usual, which would have had me glorying in at least the opportunity to read and to listen to music (by itself). Now that I am wending my way back (no more pain killers of any kind for the last few days, but still post-anesthetic fog), I find myself first checking up on…you..and checking out your latest thoughts and reading recommendations. A great way to return! Thank you, D.A.! P.S. As for food, I have been focusing on the fresh raspberries, blueberries and cherries that local farmers are providing!
I hope you’re well on the mend, Leslie! (And what a nice thing to say about who you’re following. You made my day. You’ve also given me a yearning for berries. Farmer’s Market here I come…)