The quick quiz, the zippy list, the think-fast determination of what’s important to you – as revealed through your responses.
We all love those, don’t we? They’re fun, and they can indeed be revelatory.
For instance – Who do you want to be stuck with in an elevator for hours? What three objects do you need on a desert island? What don’t you want to leave home without… when taking off on an exotic or extended vacation?
Of course, as it happens to be April Fool’s Day – no fish story there – the tricky tips and teasing tidbits are impossible to avoid: The April Fool’s Day subject lines are hitting my email fast and furious, the April Fool’s Day topsy-turvy topics are imbedded in my morning reading, even the April Fool’s Day special sales are causing me to raise an eyebrow!
Naturally, we would like to think they aren’t pulling our legs on that score. As for yours truly, might this be a first of the month musing… with a ticklish twist?
10 Things I Don’t Leave Home Without
When I was asked to enumerate my 10 essentials when leaving home, presumably on vacation – and asked on April Fool’s Day, mind you – I was tempted to take a rowdy or rebellious route, rather than ruminating on matters at hand… rhyme crime, anyone?
However, I curbed that impish inclination, deciding instead to close my eyes and make a list – whatever came to mind first.
10 things I don’t want to be without:
- Compassion
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Courage
- Resourcefulness
- Humor
- An open mind
- A pen and paper!
- Hot shoes and black lingerie
- The man I love
Now, realistically speaking, my guy is not a thing, and I leave home without him all the time. But if I have an option, particularly when it comes to getting away and relaxing… mon homme, si j’ose le dire… the gentleman in my life is certainly included.
Practical Magic: 10 Travel Essentials
Switching up the list in ways that are more tangible, here goes. After all, theoretically, one’s capacity for compassion, curiosity, creativity, courage, resourcefulness, an open mind, and humor ought to be intact with or without an overstuffed carry-on – regardless of the journey or the destination.
In fact, none of us should leave home without those aspects of ourselves, especially when we travel. If we are to experience another culture, new people, unexpected situations – won’t we need every one of those qualities?
As for a more concrete set of must-have’s, I will reshape my list:
- My best observational and interpersonal self (as in, all of the above), which we shall take as a “given”
- Basic gadgetry (laptop, iPhone, chargers)
- My favorite cuff bracelet (DRAMA ALERT #1: Which one?)
- Sneakers (along with the two pairs of heels and lingerie already mentioned; DRAMA ALERT #2: Which ones?)
- A fabulous pencil skirt (gray, black or beige), a sexy top and little black jacket; uh-huh… DRAMA ALERT #3: Which ones?
- My signature perfume… indispensable… and it’s Chanel; no drama there
- Skinny jeans
- A reasonable amount of green, as in cash, currency, or moolah (I’ll need to pick up something when I get wherever I’m going, right?)
- A pocket French dictionary… because after all, in a world of my imaginary making, I refill the well by heading to a French-speaking island or other locale, and you never know when you’ll need precisely the right term at the right time to achieve the ideal tournure de phrase…
- And… last but surely not least, and most tangible indeed… the man I love
I realize that’s more than 10, but shhhhh… don’t tell.
Another Essential, Always in Style
And that takes me to one last item on the list of things you don’t want to leave home without – good manners, which are only good sense. Shouldn’t we all be sensitive to the impressions we create as we represent not only ourselves but our countries, anytime we travel? Shouldn’t consideration of others be part of our “essentials list,” no matter what?
Speaking of consideration, I daresay the leopard Michael Kors peep-toe pumps may be my choice of chaussures, regardless of destination. They’re comfy, they’re flirty, they go with almost everything and… drum roll please… they put me just over the 5’4″ mark, which makes me feel ten feet tall.
No fooling.
What would you take with you on an extended vacation? Where is your ideal destination, if money is no object and you can spend a month – or even longer?
For more on “10 Things You Don’t Want to Leave Home Without” (for that dream vacation), stop by here at Marsha’s place, and see what other writers have to share on the topic.
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Good manners. I love, love, love that and really wish that I had thought to include it on my own take on this subject for BIO. That said, our lists – well, going off of your first one and riffing from there – have a lot in common. Which makes me happy to know that you are a friend! And oh dear me how you rock those leopard print heels! If you are wearing those puppies, I don’t think that you have the least worry to go anywhere without your man, for he must be following you around like a lovesick fool! 😉
Gros Bisous,
Eh oui, il aime bien mes chaussures…
And I, too, am delighted to call you friend – and see the values that we have in common. 🙂
Uh hah… nobody enunciates our thoughts as well as our Heather! She nailed it, manners and heels and all… but just have to add how fabulous your take on this subject is… a bit of wisdom, a bit of frivolity and lots of humour… makes for a perfect holiday…
How awesome would it be if everyone put these on before leaving the house. I was shopping on Saturday and the place was very busy with few sales associates to handle all of the women buyers. There were so many shoppers with ugly attitudes toward those working for the store. I waited patiently and thanked the lady behind the register…it was so unnecessary for them to be rude to her. You could tell the ugliness had her very flustered. I don’t understand why those women thought they were justified to treat the salespeople this way…it really bothered me.
Awesome indeed, Pam. I agree. The acceptance of rudeness in our culture, in so many contexts, is appalling. I don’t know how to stem the tide, except to speak of it – and better yet, to model good manners and tolerance.
Yes, joining the chorus here. Good manners are essential and I am thrilled to see that two of my favorite online friends are so well aligned. Also, I never go anywhere without the man I love, and agree with Heather: with your spark and style he has no choice but to follow you to the ends of the earth.
Hi! What a fantastic take on this month’s topic. Manners (picture me smacking myself on the head here). But of course, one should never ever leave home without them. They make travel – whether just up the road or around the world – so much more pleasant for all involved. And the shoes. Wow. I think I’d probably be in a better mood (and therefore better mannered) if I had them on my feet! How fantastic. Lovely to be visiting your blog today, It’s clear why you are one of Heather’s favorites!
Good manners. And some people I know need to be SERIOUSLY reminded of this very simple thing.
Congrats for getting us to thinking, again. You always do that, and that’s one of the reasons I love you so much.
I forgot to say on my list that I would take a journal to be written in by hand. I cannot tell you how many times these pages have come back to me and caused hilarity all over again. Big hug, darling.
I so enjoyed reading your post. You touched a cord when mentioning good manners, it is an intrinsic part of traveling, whether as a guest, in a group or by yourself. I am always respectful of my environment, dress and act appropriately and always thankful of all the help I receive along the way.
MANNERS! That’s my thing these days… BRAVA! What has happened to them? I do not believe they are even taught anymore! I could go on and on about that subject but I will stop here! Thank you for your lovely comment on my post! After reading your BIO here I am a bit rattled! YOU ARE THE CREAM OF THE CROP! Loved your take on what to carry onboard!
I am very fortunate in that I spend a month in Paris twice a year. I wish I had the courage and the money to stay for a year! As of yet, I have not had the courage to do this. I taught French for 32 years and have always adored the language. And I am a city person, so it is home away from home. I have a favorite apartment that I rent and know the shops well. But I would love to stay longer…..
You rent an apartment in Paris, hmmm? Il faut qu’on en parle… 😉
Practical magic indeed… :
Stilettos and good manners… that about covers the essentials from the ground up… 😉
Brilliant take, D.A… and if we ever have the luck of travelling together… i’m rifling through your bag… 🙂 🙂
I had such a great laugh here and loved the stilettos and that first list is just the best, just add perfume, heels and lingerie and we’re good to go!!!
Even though this is a women’s site, there are a few guys who stop in on occasion, so………
If you’re single, going away on a trip, don’t leave home without it:
American Express Card
New Boxer Shorts
Viagra *
If to a foreign country: Imodium
OK….That about gets it. I mean…….There are priorities!
* 65+
Ron, I’m always delighted when you stop by! And I love having the man’s perspective, though it may interest you to know that my readership is very nearly 50-50, male-female. I suspect the women are more likely to leave comments. 🙂
And I am smiling at your list of essentials.