My recent ruminations on art and censorship clearly show that nudity doesn’t offend me. But those who are narrow-minded? They do. Of course, narrow-minded is in the eye of the beholder, right? And there’s always a story behind the story; we don’t know what we don’t know.
Still, I’ve been thinking about what ruffles my feathers. Might this be a second cousin to Complaint Monday?
What we love, what disturbs us
I have inhabited milieus of different sorts at different times. I have a public face when required, I dress the part for the role I’m playing, but my preference is low-key, down-to-earth, and a relaxed personal style. Around this household, we’re open in our discussions. The rules are few but absolute: learning, respect, honesty, and laughter.
Dirty socks on the living room floor?
Not my favorite thing, but until they accumulate into a permanent art installation, no big deal.
Dishes in the sink? Same story.
No costume when I’m up for the Chicken Dance? Bad news.
I’m far from unflappable; like most of us I lose my cool over wasted time, being treated like I’m invisible, or other signs of disregard. And that takes us to the short list of what really irks me.
Expletives deleted – not
Expletives? No need to drop them into the black hole.
Frank discussion? That’s fine, too.
What offends me is intolerance and injustice, not to mention language that intentionally denigrates. I guess you could say I’m old-school in some ways, new-school in others, and no-school-at-all-thanks, when it comes to many aspects of life. Language and imagery that offend some are the norm around here – not only acceptable, but appreciated. And we try not to take ourselves too seriously – certainly not all the time.
We choose our words carefully – except for when we don’t – in our own home. Because we all need to lighten up. And language, in my opinion, is just one area where we need to do so.
Politically correct?
I’m a stickler for the right word, especially when the wrong word can do damage. Again – words that disrespect or denigrate are a no go! But… it seems to me we go overboard.
Ever found yourself so tongue-tied in search of a diplomatic term that you lose your meaning? Or stifling yourself to the point of a personal gag order?
I’m all for political correctness, but I miss the days when I could indulge in wordplay with my co-workers, when I could speak plainly among friends, and when we all didn’t have to fret over the Propriety Police giving chase.
Discretion, common sense, and good judgment are the key.

What else bugs me?
The short list: that I don’t have a 1960s “wife” smiling at the stove (and dinner won’t cook itself (sigh)); devilishly dusty stilettos (it must be time to fill my dance card (sigh)); rambling and never getting to the point (may all the gods help me when I do it (sigh)); and living by (unwanted) convention (born of a lack of imagination (head shake; no sigh required)).
And, well, might I add Cate Blanchett’s Red Carpet dress to the list?
G for Givenchy? Maybe so. I say: G for ghastly! And on a G for gorgeous woman who could wear anything!
What about you?
Care to share?
- What gets under your skin?
- Language? Behavior? Attitudes?
- Insanely bureaucratic big biz snafus?
- How has what offends you changed as you’ve gotten older?
- Are you tolerant of intolerance in others?
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A good one today, Wolf, as I have a whole LIST of complaints. I will make this a short one, though, for time’s sake. Today I am ANGRY at the machismo of the House as demonstrated by the slew of new bills they are trying to push through that are not only demeaning to women but representative of how women are still being oppressed by this misogynistic society.
That is all.
Care to link us to a few topics for discussion, Amber?
This is great topic for Monday. My list: I am anal about cleanliness, so I can’t stand things not being in their proper place. Other things that make the list, crimes against children, people revising classic books so that they are more politically correct (i.e. Huck Finn) and laziness. I am certain that if I ruminate on this more, I can come up with a more detailed list. 🙂
I’m with you on that Huck Finn issue! (And always happy to hear more.) 😉
I only caught the last 5 minutes of the Oscars and some of the commentary on who wore what as I naively waited for Brothers and Sisters which of course wasn’t on and wondered why Melissa Leo’s expletive was such a big deal. I guess they had to make the evening about something other than the usual.
What irks me? The short list: when people are unresponsive and selfish, a bad meal at a restaurant and no dark chocolate when I really want some.
No chocolate, Belinda? (That’s bad. That’s definitely bad.)
Irritations? Rudeness, bad manners, pushy drivers, clueless dipshits. I especially hate it when I can tell someone thinks they can schmooze me, placate me, whatever. Argh!
Oooh… another irritation: People who quote Buddha at you in an effort to show how superior they are to you. I am sure Buddha wants his words used in that way.
LOL @ the last one. Other than the usual litany: injustice, intolerance, prejudice, etc. my personal pet peeves are: I cannot stand inefficiency. I often want to jump in and do other people’s jobs if they are being unreasonably slow. Makes motherhood a personal challenge. LOL
Get ’em Amber!
People say I’m extremely PC, but it’s natural. When offensive words or phrases pass my lips, I feel gross. Of course, offensive and expletive aren’t synonymous in my house. Cussing makes me feel great! 😉
My eyes! MY EYES! I hadn’t seen the Cate Blanchett dress. Yowza.