Flirting as a business strategy? Say what?
Matriarchy My… Assets!
Matriarchal America? Not quite. Consider the data.
Big Ideas
Who doesn’t want to be a visionary? Who doesn’t want to be known for big ideas – the sort that inspire a community, or better yet, a nation? In today’s Sunday New York Times, an editorial by Thomas L. Friedman, “It’s Still Halftime in America,” speaks to the need for long-term vision in the context […]
Do Women Need Men?
Some women say they need men, others say they want them. Your position?
Show Me the Money
Women MUST care about money. Women, compensation, negotiating, money management.
No Looking
What happens when a woman looks in the mirror? What happens when she doesn’t? Swearing off mirrors…
Ugly Duckling
Women are embracing surgical procedures at increasingly younger ages, conforming to narrowing definitions of beauty.
What Are You Good At?
Kicking that critical voice to the curb. Taking stock so you can rock!
The Comforts of a Womanly Body… To a Man
What we REALLY want in bed just may surprise you.
“So Busy, So Sorry!”
Female friendships change over time…