Intestinal fortitude. A great hat. A mother’s happiness. Friday was a good day. Need a little back story? Oh, the dilemma of working from home! How we weary of wrestling with isolation; writers in particular need an occasional dose of living beings – especially since that’s generally what we write about. And if you’re single […]
Is College Still the Brass Ring? (Teen Stress, College Prep, College Applications)
Is college still the brass ring? With many parents financially strapped and savings wiped out, it’s only natural that we reconsider college for our sons and daughters. Once, it was a given that those four years meant the education needed to succeed, and essential experiences to test independence. My 18-year old is now a freshman […]
Six tips to beat holiday blues
BAM! ZAP! THWAK! Holy holidays, Batman! I flipped on the boob tube Halloween afternoon and what flashed across the screen? Christmas commercials – already!?! I’m all for boosting GNP, but do I have to fight the holiday blues this soon? For many of us, this premature, picture-perfect presentation of hyped-up-happy times is either irritating as […]
Easy Eats: Recipe for Cheatin’ Chicken Cacciatore
It’s another frugal feast for four! My 16-year old skinny-as-a-stick-kiddo who eats non-stop would wipe me out if not for cheap, easy eats! But he’s got a discriminating palate. Not just anything will do. We need tasty, filling, healthy and affordable. And I need quick to prepare, with little cleanup. Remember the two for 20 […]
Narcissistic Relationship? Use It or Lose It.
When you realize you’re in a narcissistic relationship – personal or professional – then what?
Time online: symptom, solution, or nothing new?
I’ve been thinking about recent discussion and comments concerning our kids’ online time. They text, chat, spend hours on Facebook. Frankly – who knows what they’re doing some of the time. And I’ve been considering the remarks that many of us have made about our own (possibly excessive) use of our communication tools and social […]
Two for 20 in 20
Looking for a few feats of money magic in tight times, especially when it comes to cooking for the family? My 16-year old eats non-stop, and it’s a challenge to keep costs down while he’s fueling up. Fortunately, he’s observed the past few years as I’ve cooked, and I’ve learned to spend little and feed […]
Everyone has an agenda. But gimme a break!
I’m rushing to get out of the house. My kid forgot his tennis shoes. Again. He needs them for school, and he needs them now. I’m mid-screen, mid-writing, mid-hair drying, mid-bill paying. And now the damn house phone rings, then my cell phone. It’s someone I know – not well – who wants something from […]
Action Babe and the Elusive Villain
There was a babe, a push-up corset, a little bit of rock hard belly peeking through. One chic cuff on the left wrist. Hourglass figure, strong thighs, black boots, and big, batting, heavy eyelashes, the false kind, though her eyes were sharp and aware as she readied for attack. She was more than an action […]
Saucy single mother seeks kept woman position
I am not a kept woman. But I have nothing against it. In fact, I’m all for it! Consider this my online announcement: SAUCY SINGLE MOTHER SEEKS KEPT WOMAN POSITION. My, but I’ve traveled a far piece of road since the heady, feminist 70s. (Cover your bunny ears, Gloria Steinham! Pull down the brim of […]