Navigating those unexpected obstacles.
A Smiling, Spontaneous Afternoon
The pleasures of an unplanned afternoon.
Meeting Challenges Head On: When “Too Hard” Is Worth Pursuing
Real. World. Choices.
Are You Feeling Invisible?
Rethinking the concept of midlife “invisibility.”
Carpe Diem
Carpe diem. Nice idea… in concept.
Women Are Emotional. Get Over It!
Strong emotions. Must we keep them under check?
Can Sitting Cause Back Pain? If You Think So, Stand Up
Pain vs. lifestyle
Dream Self, Real Self
Ah, the contrast of the Dream version of ourselves and… Reality.
Waking Up, Hazy
Dreams of juggling, lists, bliss… and more innocent days.
Bean Town
How we spend = what we value. And apparently, by region.