We help fix the world for our kids; as they grow, they return the favor.
Lights, Coffee, Quiet
Holidays, past and present.
Scrabble and French Roast
Legacies for our children. Good ones, we hope.
Bumper Cars
On resetting expectations when it comes to life’s “hits.”
Mamas and Papas
Words, images, music… and a mix of marvelous memories.
A Long Bout of Rain
Fighting against the current of stormy times.
Monday Morning Complaint Department: Grand Reopening!
Come on. Admit it. You’re happy for the opportunity to vent. Freely. To bitch a little. Or maybe a lot. To know it’s okay. But first, a digression. I was wondering about those who complain frequently. I pondered the moaning-groaning personality type – if it’s a personality issue – and what it takes to reinforce […]
Imagine. . .
Can you imagine a better world? There was an entire generation that dared to do just that. To imagine a different world. A better one. I am part of that generation. Our legacy of images and music from the late 1960s and early 1970s stands. It persists even in contemporary consciousness. It was a troubled […]