Work stress, money stress, kid stress. Does it spill over on others? Secondhand stress.
Feeling Blue? It’s That Time of Year
Preparing for the season may mean dealing with the blues.
Freelance Isolation? Options Offer Social Outlets
The challenges of the “electronic cage.”
Panic… For Good Reason
Your heart pounds. Your palms sweat, You can’t catch your breath. What’s happening?
Lonely, Shmonely
The impacts of stress on health are well known. Research is now pointing a finger at loneliness as a health issue as well.
Life is Changing, Verse Deranging
It’s versing to surrender, I must say. To the eccentric, wacky willful stage. Bag Lady, cats and hats – but not the gray! Alas, this flailing, flaunting facing age! With ready thoughts and tricks to just say yes, To voicing my opinions, no holds barred. So what if my persona is a mess! Must stifling […]
Worried Sick
Have you ever worried yourself sick? To the point where you can’t sleep, you can’t eat, or worse? I have. And more than once. I’m guessing you have, too, though the circumstances may differ. Have you learned to stop that process when you feel it beginning? When fear or worry takes over, can you counterbalance […]
Dating after divorce means challenging old patterns of behavior.
Loneliness. NOT a Dirty Word.
Loneliness is painful, but the shame we feel makes it worse.