The powerful after effects of awe.
(Un)Popular Culture
Thoughts on pop culture, “high” culture, and our enjoyment of both.
Good Taste
Does your “good taste” reveal who you are and what you love?
Art Interpretation, With Love
Wisdom – at the crossroads of art, philosophy, and parenting.
Refilling the Well
Creativity, inspiration, and refilling the well that keeps us going.
Florence… Move Over, Brady Bunch. Make Room for David.
A vicarious thrill, as a parent and an art lover.
Art Auctions: Appalled, Astonished, Amused
Art auctions with record-breaking sales.
Ten Uphill Observations (for Jonathan Borofsky)
Impressions after an art exhibit on a long walk uphill.
Artful Amusement
Experiencing art… any way we can.
The Beauty Balm
Easing pain through beauty and appreciation.