I think it very rude that on the news,
There’s talk of special food I keep at bay,
Good grief — in chocolates, pinks, and even blues,
It’s donuts, donuts, donuts, DONUT Day!
To one who’s hungry (and indeed I am),
Beguiled by cakey dough and icing sweet,
With Jimmies, sprinkles, nuts or filled with jam,
Those sugared beauties make me coo “let’s eat” —
Enticing early risers (yes, that’s me),
To wander and to seek a donut from
A Krispy Kreme or Dunkin’ (mmmm, the glee) —
Despite resolve to sweets not to succumb.
‘Tis National Donut Day, so now that’s clear.
In case you missed it, you have heard it here.
As I begin my day on little sleep,
Another night of barely any zzzz’s,
I know, I know, I should have counted sheep,
Though lovely shoes I’ve counted and they please,
Dancing through my mind at rest or play
Especially when pictured with fine clothes.
All that aside, allow me now to say
That dieting on Donut Day just blows!
Since even Forbes is flaunting Donut Day,
Really? Must you? Life is hard enough…
They’re listing spots where you won’t have to pay
To sample donuts, sprinkled, sugared, stuffed.
Hooray! For now, sufficient here to gush —
I have no need to seek a sugar rush.
Indeed, I know precisely where to go
Should my desire for donuts reign supreme
And send me (later) to a gourmet show
Of flavor, topping and delicious cream.
To live nearby a bakery with such taunts,
Does stretch my power (cruelly) to resist
But can I? Will I? Ah, those local haunts,
Their scrumptious scents! Resolve will turn and twist.
Today, perhaps, I’ll view as quite the test
Of saying no to teasing, tempting fare.
Now listen — glazed or powdered is the best
With French roast and a friend with whom to share.
This classic comfort treat — oh snap! — it’s great!
And honored, thus, since 1938.
Alas, good Will, I do abuse your verse,
This is my coping mechanism style,
Admit — a day for donuts is perverse!
And therapeutic wordplay helps me smile.
However, I confess I am seduced
By maple bacon donuts once enjoyed,
Although my dreams of waist, again reduced
Require that “grown-up” skills must be employed.
By that I mean okay to look, not touch —
Though if I see much more I will be stressed!
In news, online, in image — it’s too much
Could we not give it all a little rest?
Shall I, my own poor couplets, now ignore?
Or yield to donut heaven past my door?

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I LOVE THIS!!! You’re funny and talented and you make me laugh! If only I could give you something in return, like pain free days and a good night’s sleep, but alas! I can only send you donuts. xoxox, B
Glad you enjoyed! I figure if I consume donut rhyming, I will pass on the donuts themselves. (Says the woman who just ate a big spinach salad (BORING!) and hasn’t yet broken down and walked two blocks to the bakery with gourmet donuts…)
Iambic pentameter, ABAB rhymes…I’m impressed!
Maybe I’ve been on the other side of the pond for too long but the photos don’t tempt me at all. I know they will have that chemical aftertaste. Easy to say no.
I just spent a week indulging with guests, but also put in an average of 17K steps a day. Yin and yang. Now the folks have left and I am at work, not getting in my exercise, which means I need to ratchet back the calories going in. Not nearly as fun. I think my guests found me to have become a huge food snob, which really I’m not, but it’s so easy here to avoid industrial garbage and focus on high-quality calories. I didn’t invent it but I believe it: If you’re going to eat crap, eat homemade crap.
A nice tarte aux pommes would work…
I agree. There can be free donuts at work and I won’t even be tempted usually, the fake aftertaste and the gross greasiness. Free bagels OTOH, with cream cheese. Now that is still tempting.