Is capitulating in the face of a challenge in your character? It’s not in mine. Capitulating, or worse, apathy guarantees failure. Well, April 22 is Earth Day. And who says we can’t each do our part in protecting our planet?

Instead of convincing yourself that you haven’t the time, the money or the bandwidth to become an environmental warrior – not a bad idea, by the way — what if you embrace the notion that we can all make modest changes that add up to significant positive impacts?
For example, this 2016 post on U.S. food waste will resonate with all of us. And the extent of the problem boggles the mind, with the USDA reporting at the time that “food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply” — a staggering figure.
Another easier-than-you-anticipate item to tend to? Recycling. Granted, some living situations make this trickier than others, but millions of us have recycling options as handy as color-coded receptacles just inside a garage door or the entry to our local supermarket. And, local recycling instructions are just a Google away.
So, I’m taking this moment to remind you that every year since 1970, April 22nd has been celebrated around the world as Earth Day. A few years back I spent countless hours putting together a series on a number of environmental issues, and I invite you to take a look, to do what you can and please do share your own tips and ideas.
And… Just the other day I had a quickie conversation on composting, something I ought to have done when I had a backyard just a few steps from my kitchen door. This is a subject I hope to learn more about, even now as a city dweller with, perhaps, access to a community garden. (Any composters out there? Any wisdom to share?)
I suspect that many of you, like me, feel even greater urgency to address these and related issues given the current administration’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, their idiotic insistence on climate-change denial, their unraveling of environmental regulations (and the EPA), and in general, and their unconscionable assault on “inconvenient” science.
So please, check it out: The Earth Week Series.
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Hayneedle sells a great simple compost bin that turns. I loved it and actually had 2 at my townhome so I could add to one and cure the other.
Thanks, Jean!
Just separate the veggies and fruit from the MEATS! AND DUMP!