Did you indulge before Thanksgiving — “pre-Black Friday deals!” — or spend part of your Thursday in line for a bargain? Did you hit the malls on Black Friday, or shop sales through the weekend? Did you shop from your armchair or your kitchen table or maybe your bed instead of making turkey soup, or have you succumbed to the flood of emails today, on Cyber Monday?

I seriously cannot remember any other year when my email accounts (yes, several) have been so inundated with advertising. Special promotion! Special code! Free delivery! Buy two get one free! OH. EM. GEE. I’m struggling to weed out the emails I need to from the deluge of flashy letters and sparkly gifs, and I admit to some distraction on those that say SHOES!
Here is what I will admit to… a pair of pretty pumps I adore that I have in one color purchased in another color (basic black) at 50% off, with free delivery. (No… not these outrageous beauties… the Sam Edelman Haide Feather Pom Pom pumps, much as I love looking at them. It seems that I am (at last) becoming more practical when it comes to my hapless, hedonistic hankering for heels.)

Thank you, Nordstrom (I think)… for always presenting me the most decadent, delicious, diabolical delights in the form of temptations for my tootsies. (And yes, I did pick up my new Edelman pumps from Nordstrom — they are a classic, comfy, and perfectly practical as well as foot flattering…)
I also admit to a belt that is practical at 80% off — it was $6 and free shipping, undies at 50% off and with a promo code, nearly 60% off, two fab sweaters, and 90% of the shopping for both my boys (at about 70% off). I spent very little, saved mucho moolah, didn’t have to get bundled up in the process, and I feel great about my purchases! Last but certainly not least, there was something I had my eye on for a friend (but I was hesitating over delivery price as much as anything), and with a “free delivery” day, that decided me.
Now, while I confess to “stalking” a number of other goodies over the course of a few weeks — be still my heart when it comes to Fossil cross-body bags — thus far, reality has prevailed. Of course, then there are the Hobos I love… and so far, have steadfastly resisted. (Amazing how that happens. Is it age???)
On the other hand, about a month back I nabbed these babies at DSW in both gray and black… at a terrific sale price (on an already terrific price). These Impo booties are faux-leather (which I like), I have worn them before (for years — they’re perfection), they are the ideal heel height for those of us of the petite persuasion who want some little lift even with jeans and casual pants, but want to be able to walk and walk and walk those miles of other… dare I say it… shopping adventures.
And my oh my, but the steely resolve I am displaying today (Cyber Monday), knowing that DSW is offering 25% off… site-wide. My cup runneth over at the very thought! (And I’m not looking, I’m not looking, I’m not looking.)
As for any other indulgences, let’s just say I’m practicing a “Just Say No” approach. And while stalking fashionable accessories online is good clean fun (for some of us), I remain annoyed at my emails (the new ads must be coming every 15 minutes or less), and I did spend a significant amount of the weekend out and about with one of my sons “road tripping,” during which time there was some window shopping that was very pleasant. However, other than a nice meal (my son picked up the tab!), and the cost of gas, none of my holiday buying was done in a mall or a store.
I readily recognize that shopping on site used to be much easier for me, since for years I lived about 10 minutes from two malls, and could even walk through my neighborhood to reach one of them, with no need to deal with holiday parking madness. This is no longer the case, which makes shopping more of a pain than a pleasure. But all practicalities aside, I know that I will continue to seek out environments, especially outdoor markets and small business centers, where I can wander and window shop. I may be tempted, but “fiscal responsibility” is my middle name these days — and I will nonetheless totally enjoy the experience of the holiday as a result.
I am curious to know if you could say the same. Have your shopping habits changed? Are you already into the “seasonal” swing of things? And… Doesn’t anyone else suffer a fatal faiblesse for fabulous footwear finds? It does seem to be a lifelong affliction for some of us.
In case you’re wondering, I wasn’t compensated for my ooos and ahhhs over Nordstrom’s shoes. But you can find the Edelman Pom Pom pumps here. Likewise, no compensation for my Fossil love (here) nor my DSW delight in Impo booties (here). Too bad though, don’t you think?!?
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Those red shoes…so lovely. So not for me anymore. My running in heels days are over. I did not succumb to any Black Friday shopping in person. Can’t stand crowds. Not to mention the half hour just getting out of the parking lot into traffic. Ickk. One year, while Christmas shopping on a Friday night I almost ran out of gas trying to get out of a downtown parking garage. Talk about panic.
I will admit to a little on-line browsing. But the e-mails that said 50% off were actually “up to 50% off” when I looked more closely. And there wasn’t anything I was tempted to buy for only 20% off. I did see a great bag at a great price for my sister on-line at Massimo Dutti so I sent her the link. We’re not exchanging gifts this year…except for great food and our scintillating company:)
Exchanging great food and scintillating company sounds pretty good! 🙂 (I don’t do 4″ heels any longer either. 3″ on the other hand…)
I need to practice that just say no approach as well!
Gritting your teeth at the same time helps. 🙂
I see our household is not the only one in which the most important three little words are Discount Shoe Warehouse…..
I had no problem resisting the sales this year. I realized I have a closet full and to buy more would be a waste. Justify new purchases? Just couldn’t! I don’t like crowds so I avoid the mall on busy days and buying online is difficult because sizes vary so much.
I do like my shoes!
I live just 2 miles from a DSW store- so I did purchase a pair of grey suede boots a few weeks ago. The mall is close by too to me however, it’s a madhouse this time of year so I mostly shop online with discount codes. This year my focus is on softness- blankets, cozy socks, robes and wraps. That way I can envelope myself in comfort after a hard day no matter what chaos continues to reign around me.