This is where I would like to be. Safe, sleeping, and snuggled under my covers.
But I’m not.
This might be OK as well. Huddled over my laptop, where I plugged away for many years engrossed in a piece of writing or solving a client conundrum.
Not there either.
Now this might be fun, especially as summer is coming to a close.
Alas! ‘Tis not my lifestyle!
Instead… There has been a lot of dealing with this…
And this…
Because… well…
Uh- huh. Changes are on the agenda…
BIG changes.
As in…
I know, right?
Yup. Nothing like that starting over thing… OMG! So much work! So much stress! So scary! But maybe, just maybe… Liberating.
Can I crawl back into bed now please?
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I have seen a lot of change in recent years. Now living in the south. Who would have thought?
Just smiling…
I imagine you’re enjoying it!
Well, as you know, we sold the house this summer too. Sifting through 23 years of stuff and memories was bittersweet. But, now that we’ve ripped off the bandaid — kind of liberating too!
Yes. Ripping off the band-aid. Exactly!
Good luck with everything, DA. Hope the move and the changes go well. Here’s to liberation!
D.A., I downsized seven years ago…initially, out of necessity, but it was the best move I could have made, yet, I would never have done it on a whim. Changing, purging, resettling…all part of evolving. Wishing you all good things, much good luck…and, always remember to breathe!
Good luck with your move/changes!! Coming from the perspective of someone who has lived in four states in the last two years (CO, CT, NY and now WA – I’m a DMV expert!) I know how daunting it can all be!
How do you like living in WA – are you in Western WA or Eastern? I’m in Alaska and contemplating a move back to the lower 48. I moved from WA about 15 years ago and I think it has changed a ton since I left there. Curious how you like it. 🙂
I’m behind on my reading. Are you leaving the region? Whatever kind of move you are making, best wishes!!
Yes indeed… Surrounded by boxes in unknown territory, even as we speak…
I think I would have to get rid of almost all my “stuff” and start clean, but I can only imagine the amount of effort it would take.
Yup. Effort. But it’s more than that. When you are the keeper of family “treasures” for the next generation, it’s very tricky. From love letters exchanged by great-grandparents to 75 year old family photographs to an 18th century grandfather clock that’s been handed down… then what? To shed family history feels wrong — and yet you are not able to house those objects with your own kids.
Easier divesting of your own stuff!
You’re right. I could never let that kind of stuff go.
Sounds intriguing, but also exhausting! I’m so interested in your next steps and admire the courage to move forward – way to go!