If you’re stuck at home in a spin cycle of diapers, dirty dishes and laundry, I’ll buy it. You may be bored.
If you’re working the same job after five years or 25 years, with few options for something new in sight, you may be bored.
At a standstill in traffic on the interstate?
Yup. Probably bored. Annoyed, too. Especially if you left the smartphone at home and can’t Facebook, Tweet or Snapchat, much less Google how to spice things up in the boudoir for Valentine’s.
Naturally, everything is a matter of degree and context. But that last? If you’re bored in the bedroom, you know that’s a different story… And it just may be more “addressable” (and more important) than you think.
Consider the following.
You could engage your partner in a conversation (or two or three), and indulge in a mutual fantasy. No fantasy on hand? Here are some of the top male and female sexual fantasies to get you started. Then raid the closet for some wardrobe props, or the fridge for a little shared nibble, or both.
The More You Do, the More You Can Do
While I won’t say that I’m never bored, it’s rare. And I’m far more likely to be bored if I’m not doing anything. Perhaps better stated, I am the poster child for the more you do, the more you can do. I prefer an abundance of (cerebral or creative) activities to too few, since I’m not a natural at leaving my mind idle.
Now, we all have our practical limitations, don’t we… However, here are a few items I can conjure off the top of my head, were I asked for advice to counteract boredom.
You could list all the things you’d like to learn or all the things you love. They may include reading, listening to music, making music, making a musical instrument. Then dig in!
Suggestions Galore… We’ve Many in Store…
Perhaps you’d prefer watching your favorite movie for the 18th time — solo, with a pal, a pet or a bowl of popcorn. (And maybe a glass of wine.) Note that these activities also serve to relax and renew. (What’s not to love about that?)
Or… List all the places you’ve never seen and long to travel to. (Bora Bora? Tuscany? The Big Apple?) Daydream a trip, then plan your itinerary.
Teach yourself Swedish. (Why not?)
Look into mentoring. (Win-win!)
Take up scuba. Snorkel. (Invite a friend. Enjoy it “locally.”)
Donate your time to an organization you love, or stop by the “old lady house” on your street, then knock on the door and introduce yourself. See if there’s anything she needs or might like. Or listen to her 50 years of stories she may have to share… that you may find fascinating.
Bored With the Diet? Let Them Eat Cake?
I may have a soft spot for yams. I may be nuts for yogurt and kale (no, not together)… But bored with my diet?
Eh oui. That’s been known to occur. (Where is that Personal Chef I’ve dreamed of for so long?)
If you’re adventurous in the kitchen, how about a tempting selection of easy Valentines recipes from AllRecipes.com.
Mmmmmm. Boredom busters on the eats and sweets front are definitely to be found! The stuffed strawberries look simple and sexy, to be served with a glass of champagne.
And if you’re really up for an indulgence, check out the cakes. (You won’t be disappointed.)
What NOT to Do When You’re Bored
Here are a few suggestions on what not to do when you’re bored.
No streaking your hair fuchsia (especially if it’s permanent dye).
No drunken tats and piercings that you’re sure to regret later.
No random anatomical portraits shared with new “friends.”
And on a related note, no TUI, EUI, IUI or PUI (texting, emailing, Instagramming or Phoning Under the Influence).
On that last mention, and revisiting the “bored in the boudoir” topic, I leave you with this from Cosmo: 31 Days of Sex. One of the slides that caught my attention is this:
… It’s no secret that guys get off on sexy visuals. But teasing him with a personal peep show can be hotter than simply baring it all…
Do note the importance of a little mystery. It’s a woman’s best friend… and a way never to become a source of boredom. And I don’t just mean behind closed doors.
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That pic was too comical to resist, Contessa. Enjoy your weekend!
Been away for a while busy with lots of work, overseeing the remodel of my new little nest and, gasp, a social life. Life is good right now, really good. The picture made me laugh out loud. Happy weekend!
Excellent, Cornelia! On all counts!
What fun! I’ve long held to the belief that boring people are bored. There’s so much to engage in, much of it costing no money, for a curious mind, a compassionate spirit and an astute eye. I knew a young girl who no matter where we took her, was “bored.” Ugh. What an energy drain to be around. And behind closed doors? With the right partner, there’s no room for boredom.
Hear, hear!