Is this techno déjà vu?
Does this also drop on you?
When your time is in a crunch –
Murphy’s Law will eat your lunch!
Instant replay? Let us rhyme…
No, this is not a good time…
Must I truly tell the tale
Of laptop dead, my face grown pale?
Yes, I have a second here
(Moving files, near and dear…)
Still, my shock at woeful tones:
Waa, waa, waa, the old one moans…
And this leaves me oh so sad –
Though of course indeed I’m glad
That I back up files each week
Yes, I am that sort of geek.
Nonetheless, there’s no time planned
To regroup and get in hand
The varied tasks to redress woes
(Another way to say… this blows!)
Alas that isn’t all there is,
(FAFSA has me in a ‘tiz)
Cell phone charger on the fritz,
Also yielding peevish fits…
Maybe I should don a hat
Of plumes and veils, with this and that;
It may spark a better mood
As long as it is not a snood!
Natch, some other things, and more
Also gone awry… quel bore!
But the sun is shining now,
And its light I shall allow
To keep my spirits up (I hope)
So I will not kvetch and mope.
On this (piddly) note I say
Have a fun, fantastic day –
Please don’t think me drab and lazy,
Cruise around my plate of crazy,
Check the ginger cat perhaps
Or indulge in this odd lapse…
Read what interests, or you may
Check these awesome writers – yay!
And it’s back on task for me,
Rhyme time replay done, you see.
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Yes, it also drops on me. What has helped those occasions become fewer: switching from PC’s to Mac computers (12 years ago; no crashes since); making sure that AutoRecover is activated on my Word program; using external drive that backs up drive continuously when computer is on; and ditching my smartphone and returning to a fliptop phone. I wish I could help you w/ FAFSA, but it has changed just in the few years since my youngest graduated. I’m glad you have sun…and would never think you drab or lazy. Best wishes in knocking what has gone awry back into the park!
Your comment makes me smile. Thank you, Leslie. And FAFSA was just competed a few minutes ago. WooHoo!!! 🙂